Power Kite Forum

Who is Julian Romano ?

Bladerunner - 27-11-2008 at 01:10 PM

That RIP OFF artist on Ebay claims his Kite Trike was designed by Euro' rider Julian Romano.
I did a search and couldn't find any info on the Dude ?

Does this Guy actually exist? Has He ever won a race ? Does He actually use that hunk of junk He designed in races?


pyro22487 - 27-11-2008 at 04:53 PM

Ok I had that same question now it says its designed by NOVA as far as I can tell the name looks similar to John Romonic here in the states sorry if I butchered your name John.

csa_deadon - 27-11-2008 at 05:09 PM

I think the only way to shut him down is to have everyone show up at his house.
I'll bring the Louisville Slugger.

We will need:

2 cans of sterno
1 roll duck tape
length of rope

I'm off this weekend. Blade I'll drive. lol

WolfWolfee - 27-11-2008 at 05:13 PM

Hell just let me do it, need to kick some butt

macboy - 27-11-2008 at 07:26 PM

You should swap out that duck tape with that postal tape that has those threads in it - THAT'S some serious tape. :ticking:

csa_deadon - 28-11-2008 at 04:35 AM

I have access to a 300 sq foot parafoil (retired jump chute).

Here's the plan.

Gonna use the 300 sq foot lifter

500 feet 5/8 amesteel line

1 90 foot spin sock

heres where the duck tape comes in.
Tape him to the outside leading edge of the spin sock.
Gonna need a burlap sack filled with an equal amount of sand attached to the opposite side.

need a tie down buried 6 feet.

Launch the lifter and sock. As it spins we all take turns attempting to nail him with
the kite of our choice. Of course 2 line kites using old school kevlar lines will be allowed.

Each attempt will cost only $1.00 with all procedes going towards the upkeep of this site.

NPWfever - 28-11-2008 at 01:22 PM

If you send him a message on ebay, asking for his phone number, saying you would like to call him and talk to him about his kites...he'll give it to you, I did so, and was gonna post it here, but my dad found out and stopped me =(

But, if you want to, go for it, post it here, and at the very least we can bug him till he changes his phone number :bigok: