Power Kite Forum

Holy Flysurfer Batman!

nwsurfwakeskate - 5-12-2008 at 12:27 PM

wow look at all the flysurfers forsale!!!!

I guess... 'tis the season :singing:

DenisLaMenace - 5-12-2008 at 12:33 PM

Well if I sell mine it's because I want another one same brand just newer model ;-)

But there are not so many

2 Pulse 7m
1 P3 13m
1 P4 15m

Nothing else on the other foil forums, ebay or kite ads sites.

If someone wants a FS 10m (preferred size for winter), good luck.

snow is coming, that should all go soon !

DenisLaMenace - 5-12-2008 at 12:35 PM

oups Just saw powerzone Pulse2 10m.

That one will go faster than the others.

kiteNH - 5-12-2008 at 12:36 PM


Funny this isn't the first time that an abundance of Flysurfers has resulted in a thread of this title. There do seem to be an awful lot of them going around.

nwsurfwakeskate - 5-12-2008 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by kiteNH

Funny this isn't the first time that an abundance of Flysurfers has resulted in a thread of this title. There do seem to be an awful lot of them going around.

haha I thought it felt familiar!

everybody seems to be psycho 4 and synergy happy at the moment.

bigsteve - 6-12-2008 at 10:21 PM

hrmm.. that p4 15 is getting replaced by my pulse2 14 I believe...

DenisLaMenace - 7-12-2008 at 03:07 PM

Recap of Flysurfer sale as of now

I guess some sales will just fund some others. One goes, another goes ....

Pulse 1 7m by bloah
Pulse 1 7m by nwsurf (on ebay)
Pulse 2 10m by powerzone
Pulse 2 14m by bigsteve
P3 13m by buzz
P4 10m by powerzone
P4 15m by domdino

That is a nice quiver to have under Christmas tree ! oh oh oh !

nwsurfwakeskate - 7-12-2008 at 03:18 PM

wow that would be a great quiver. throw in the PL kites that have shown up recently and you would have every situation with the exception of silver arrow conditions covered.

bloah - 7-12-2008 at 03:49 PM

whats funny, how we have all the kites here pre owned by other members of the forum, for instance my pulse is buzz's and my pulse 2 is domdino's. It seems that sales always go between core members of this forum. just an observation!

bigsteve - 7-12-2008 at 04:46 PM


Originally Posted By bLoah
whats funny, how we have all the kites here pre owned by other members of the forum, for instance my pulse is buzz's and my pulse 2 is domdino's. It seems that sales always go between core members of this forum. just an observation!

hah to add to that.. the pulse2 I'm selling is Powerzone's old personal kite, and im replacing it with Dom's p4 15. muaahahha

bloah - 7-12-2008 at 04:52 PM

we seriously should make a renting agency here, as everybody pretty much rents each others kites back and forth! hahaha

nwsurfwakeskate - 7-12-2008 at 07:47 PM

haha no kidding!

I was thinking something very similar yesterday.

I would be interested to see what the average time someone actually owns a kite is.

so far I've owned in the last 2 years the following:

North Toro 10m
Cabrinha Access 12m
Slingshot Fuel 17m
Quadrafoil XXXL
Pansh Ace 4m
Pulse 7m
Pulse 2 12m
Warrior 7m
Psycho 3 13m
Silver Arrow 1.5 17m
Peter Lynn Phantom 12m (on its way here)

MBS Comp 16
Underground FLX 132
Spleene Rip 34
Drops Manu Bertin 7'0"
Slingshot Response 145

and right now I only actually have 3 kites and 2 boards! is this normal??? lol!

nwsurfwakeskate - 7-12-2008 at 07:50 PM

Originally posted by bigsteve

Originally Posted By bLoah
whats funny, how we have all the kites here pre owned by other members of the forum, for instance my pulse is buzz's and my pulse 2 is domdino's. It seems that sales always go between core members of this forum. just an observation!

hah to add to that.. the pulse2 I'm selling is Powerzone's old personal kite, and im replacing it with Dom's p4 15. muaahahha

I have Domdino's arrow 1.5 and josh's (from lynden) psycho 3 13m that I got through leebrianh.

my pulse 2 12m was a demo I got through powerzone.

domdino - 8-12-2008 at 05:11 AM

I rarely advertise my kites elsewhere unless i'm desperate. Feels like a nice little family of people here, i like selling kites to people who i know are making good use of them and people that i might even, one day, get the chance to see the kite again!

Powerkiteforum rules :)

Bladerunner - 8-12-2008 at 10:20 AM


Almost all my present kites have been bought off of PKF members. Likewise, all my kites have been sold to PKF members !