Originally posted by arkay
Yeah good deal on that imp. Would be a good kite for the coast.
I started on a 5m de-power, but I had been flying stunt kites for a while so I was comfortable with the controls. I understand that the 5m de-power
is roughly equivaliant to a fixed bridal kite about 70% of it's size... so 3.5-ish-ish. I'm about 220 and the 5m won't really yank me around until
the wind hits 15mph. I won't go into the pro's and con's of de-power vs fixed bridal, unless you ask 
I fly mostly on the coast between Manzanita and sunset beach. I guess I like the local cuisine. Wind is all over depending on the time of year (it
was 55a70g Saturday!) but int he summer it's usually 10-15. There were only a handful days this past summer where my 5m de-power couldn't be used.