Originally posted by B-Roc
There have been a number of sales here recently that have captured my attention and had it not been for the expenses of Christmas I would have
considered them more seriously. After years of flying fixed bridled kites I'm beginning to appreciate depowers more and more but my question is, what
size is right for me? I weigh 145#s and while I prefer to board at the beach I probably spend 50% of my time inland in poor wind on fields and kite
skiing is 100% inland on mostly mid sized lakes where the wind can be good or bad.
On the beach I mainly fly my 2.5 or 4m. In land I usually fly anything upto my 5.5 and the 7 and 8.5m see very little air time, Seems like most go
for the 10m depower right off. Is that the right size for me or would I be better off with a 7.5. When mentioning sizes I'm thinking more along the
lines of a Montana / Frenzy or Access / Apex. And yes, I know they are very different kites I'm just throwing those out as the types of kites I'm
looking at (not arcs, LEIs, flysurfers, etc.) |