Power Kite Forum

What size depower is right for me?

B-Roc - 8-12-2008 at 12:12 PM

There have been a number of sales here recently that have captured my attention and had it not been for the expenses of Christmas I would have considered them more seriously. After years of flying fixed bridled kites I'm beginning to appreciate depowers more and more but my question is, what size is right for me? I weigh 145#s and while I prefer to board at the beach I probably spend 50% of my time inland in poor wind on fields and kite skiing is 100% inland on mostly mid sized lakes where the wind can be good or bad.

On the beach I mainly fly my 2.5 or 4m. In land I usually fly anything upto my 5.5 and the 7 and 8.5m see very little air time, Seems like most go for the 10m depower right off. Is that the right size for me or would I be better off with a 7.5. When mentioning sizes I'm thinking more along the lines of a Montana / Frenzy or Access / Apex. And yes, I know they are very different kites I'm just throwing those out as the types of kites I'm looking at (not arcs, LEIs, flysurfers, etc.)

kiteNH - 8-12-2008 at 12:28 PM

Hey B-Roc,

I'm not sure about the best size for you. I suspect that an 8m Access would be great for you on the snow, but would be too much kite on the landboard in your 2.5 to 4m winds. I'd love to get out and fly with you this winter and you are welcome to give my Access a try. The 8m was my first depower and I love that kite.

I've got a BIG 11m Frenzy that you are welcome to fly as well. I've only flown it static so far but think it will be my goto kite for winds from 8-18 mph or so this winter. I think that the Access will be nice from 15-25. I feel like wind range has a huge amount to do with rider ability and how far you feel like pushing it. My ability is low and our gusty western winds don't make me feel like pushing it too far so I tend to be pretty conservative.

You can come up to NH sometime to give them the try. Hopefully we'll have some snow soon for a real test but it doesn't look like its going to be this week.

dgkid78 - 8-12-2008 at 02:01 PM

Hey B-Roc I weigh 145lbs and am Perfectly HAPPY with my 7m Montana. Of course i want bigger. but It keeps me happy anywhere from 12mph-20mph. anything more than 20mph for me is a little scary. but thats when she performs best:Ange09:. Pfffffttttttt I am just fine with that window. I am considering a bigger kite but thats just for more hangtime. On the Low end I kinda get dropped a little hard from a landing :ninja:

BeamerBob - 8-12-2008 at 06:58 PM

Man, I have the perfect solution for either one of you. Maybe one of you will get some Christmas money!

dgkid78 - 8-12-2008 at 07:38 PM

<evil Laugh> :evil:

KiteProject - 8-12-2008 at 08:49 PM

I love my Flysurfers. They have a lot of power, huge depower range and their construction quality is second to none. They look great in sky and their 2006 kites still sell like hot cakes. You can get some amazing deals on these kites right here in PKF. There is a Pulse 7m on sale for $445 in the "For Sale" forum. It's a great price for a great kite.

I have a Pulse 10m and you've already seen my Pulse2 6m in air. You can take these kites for a test drive when we see each other at Nahant next time.

Originally posted by B-Roc
There have been a number of sales here recently that have captured my attention and had it not been for the expenses of Christmas I would have considered them more seriously. After years of flying fixed bridled kites I'm beginning to appreciate depowers more and more but my question is, what size is right for me? I weigh 145#s and while I prefer to board at the beach I probably spend 50% of my time inland in poor wind on fields and kite skiing is 100% inland on mostly mid sized lakes where the wind can be good or bad.

On the beach I mainly fly my 2.5 or 4m. In land I usually fly anything upto my 5.5 and the 7 and 8.5m see very little air time, Seems like most go for the 10m depower right off. Is that the right size for me or would I be better off with a 7.5. When mentioning sizes I'm thinking more along the lines of a Montana / Frenzy or Access / Apex. And yes, I know they are very different kites I'm just throwing those out as the types of kites I'm looking at (not arcs, LEIs, flysurfers, etc.)

B-Roc - 9-12-2008 at 11:19 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Man, I have the perfect solution for either one of you. Maybe one of you will get some Christmas money!

Your montana is what prompted my post.

Thanks for the offer Ali, hopefully I'll get back up there soon. Do you plan to kite ski/board this winter? When the ice is frozen and the cover good I'm at Lake Mascuppic in Dracut every weekend (along with usually at least one or two others).

f0rgiv3n - 9-12-2008 at 11:22 AM

I'm 170lb's and flew my blaze II 10m in 14mph winds last night. I was able to bring it across the window, pull in the bar and it would lift me. Beautiful thing, i could easily hold my ground and it wasn't too much to handle. then again... I am 25lbs more than you so that might just justify a smaller kite. :)

Adam - 10-12-2008 at 06:36 AM

I have a Frenzy 7.5 thats sitting in my quiver and never gets used. You are more than welcome to try it out on a longer term loan and get a feel for it. You dont like it, pass it back. If you do, we can talk about cash pennies :)

Give me a call!

Adam (The one from England!)

tridude - 10-12-2008 at 07:14 AM

with your winds as you described, and your size, a 13 m Venom/VII would work nicely................great range and depower. Once you get the launch down, its all gravy......................:thumbup:

lunchbox - 10-12-2008 at 07:42 AM


I'm thinking more along the lines of a Montana / Frenzy or Access / Apex. And yes, I know they are very different kites I'm just throwing those out as the types of kites I'm looking at (not arcs, LEIs, flysurfers, etc.)

I was going to recommend the PL Venom 2 13 or Synergy 12. Curious why you're not considering PL's or Flysurfers??

I've always felt the PL's and Flysurfers (closed cells) provided soo much more depower and stability than the open cells.

...but then again, the FS Outlaw might be an option especially if the claims of similar depower to the Pulse are true.

B-Roc - 10-12-2008 at 10:20 AM

not really consdidering PL or FS because of the poor ground wind inland which I'm assuming will affect preinflation and the cost of those kites.

Adam, I'll give you a call next time I'm headed out. which I thought was going to be this weekend but now things aren't looking too good for me.