Power Kite Forum

Alberta's Ready!

macboy - 14-12-2008 at 01:55 AM

Well Alberta boys - snow we got. Now if the flippin' cold would take a hike we can go play! Time to dust off the skis and snowboards!


(FYI for everyone...today was -27.9 degrees celsius in my backyard, news said -40 with the WIND chill....of course it's windy when it's already blisteringly cold.:mad: Oh, and that's -16F/-40F)

WolfWolfee - 14-12-2008 at 06:47 AM

Doing repairs on my snowboard getting her ready and might have found a set of shorty ski's if I could only find my ski boots. Went out yesterday for about an hour close to home, bitter but solid winds. Spent a lot of time on my back, never said I could board...lol
Thinking of hitting the shop today do a little harness work hanging from the rafters.

Bladerunner - 14-12-2008 at 09:52 AM

We even have one of those ultra rare snow days in Vancouver :wee:

Let me at it :ticking:

centex_buggier - 14-12-2008 at 08:45 PM

Sorry to brag, but we were out buggying in Austin TX today and it was blowing 30 to 45kmh and it was a balmy 27degC. :lol:

Got to admit, I still haven't tried kite skiing and wish I could...


canuck - 21-12-2008 at 06:54 PM

Looking pretty white in Vancouver these days Ken !!!

The wind finally came up a bit in Calgary today so I thought I'd give the snowblades a go but you know it is a bit nippy when the display on your wind meter flickers as it tries to display -40egC wind chill. Should be no problem on the lakes now - lots of ice and good snow cover too.

I'll settle for a scorching 27degF but won't likely see it until May 2009 :spin:


WolfWolfee - 21-12-2008 at 07:12 PM

Well decided after today need a ice cart or buggy or? Knee just can't take the ski's or board but sure had fun. Sure cheeks were burning in the wind but 22km/h winds and sun shining was pretty good day.
Made the mods to the Sabre and she behaved nicely even got some air time can't believe how it floats. The Sabre would just sit in the window and pull away nicely some of the bare ice patches were a little tricky...lol
Hitting the shop tomorrow and going to build me an ice bug, pictures to follow.
Wish me luck.


Bladerunner - 22-12-2008 at 10:05 AM

Sorry to here the old knees can't take it. I'm extremely frustrated. We have snow like I have never seen. I have to work today. Stay home for a delivery tonight and travel tomorrow :megan: