Power Kite Forum

PL Bomba Spar Snap!!!

NPWfever - 15-12-2008 at 06:58 PM

Well, I went out the other day, a gust hit me and I got pulled off my board, and I was getting dragged, so I pulled the QR and when I did so, there was a REALLY LOUD crack, and I looked up to see that the spar in my Bomba was bent in half! When the kite loaded to the right front corner, it snapped my spar in half. Has anyone heard of this before?

So now the question is....where do I get a new one? And can I even get one for a Bomba? :sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff:

csa_deadon - 15-12-2008 at 07:07 PM

I have read on some other forums that people are using oak dowels.

They seem to be having better luck with them then with collaspable tent poles like some have suggested.

Just measure O.D. of spar, length of spar, round over the ends, sand smooth.

One PL pilot is just painting, another is using an epoxy first to water proof spar, and then paint it.

From what I have read the wieght is similar, and the spars are $3.00 to $6.00 each vs what could run you upwards of $150.00 a set.

Good luck

PHREERIDER - 15-12-2008 at 07:24 PM

oh yeah. broken a small bucket full, of the 3 pc. type never a single pc.

1/2 oak works but a few to many deep loops or snatchy launches will break them.

the aluminum 3pc i think are choice. PL dealer thing, not sure on the$

i just order "scab" replacement tubing from


round tube 3/8"OD with 3/16"ID seems a right on match not as light as single thin wall replacement sticks but ....8 ft. for $5 a replacement set is about $60-80 i think

have them cut it to lessen the shipping

a ferrule can also repair a broken stick

you are resourceful should be a easy fix.

krumly - 15-12-2008 at 09:51 PM

NPW Fever -

Since your a 'Maker,' you should know about Kite Studio in PA:


Got about anything and everything you could want for making kites. Mic out your snapped spars and check out their stock.


dman - 16-12-2008 at 06:00 AM

Nick, You are hard on equipment bro! I have a spare from my old Phantom 18 that I will give you if it will fit. Measure the good one and PM me and I will measure this one and send it to you if it will fit.

Fly safe!

NPWfever - 16-12-2008 at 03:01 PM

Thanks man, I'll measure that up, does it collapse down?

And it was a design flaw, when I pulled the quick release the sudden loading to the one corner broke the spar.

I was gonna take her with me to Mexico on the 20th too =(


Bladerunner - 16-12-2008 at 06:53 PM

Broke spars are not uncommon.
The dowling idea will work in a pinch but is by no means a long term solution. It will of course be more weak and have a potential to puncture the kite if it breaks. Although the sleeve is pretty tough.
I did this on a trip to Aus. and it held up for the 1 short session I had a chance to use it!

dman - 16-12-2008 at 07:36 PM

yeah, break down version. I never had one break on me but I watched a friends snap after a few rough sessions with some bad landings. Later on he looped it tight and it just folded about 1/2 way down one of the sections. We made a sleeve for the break out of aluminum tube and it is still going strong today.

tridude - 17-12-2008 at 05:03 AM

I have a 2 spare sets: steel and graphite golf club shafts............... both work awesome....................
links posted by AJ and Phreerider are basically factory specs of PL aluminum sets.

carltb - 17-12-2008 at 09:11 AM

have you tried bamboo!

ive used it as a emergency measure to save a session but not used it long term. now i always keep a length in the van just in case

PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 09:56 AM

cover the bambo with duct tape saves splinter grief

awindofchange - 17-12-2008 at 02:31 PM

What size is your Bomba, we have a couple sets left in stock for some sizes and may be able to take care of you.

dman - 17-12-2008 at 05:43 PM

It's a 17 mtr Kent.

nwsurfwakeskate - 17-12-2008 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by PHREERIDER
oh yeah. broken a small bucket full, of the 3 pc. type never a single pc.

1/2 oak works but a few to many deep loops or snatchy launches will break them.

the aluminum 3pc i think are choice. PL dealer thing, not sure on the$

i just order "scab" replacement tubing from


round tube 3/8"OD with 3/16"ID seems a right on match not as light as single thin wall replacement sticks but ....8 ft. for $5 a replacement set is about $60-80 i think

have them cut it to lessen the shipping

a ferrule can also repair a broken stick

you are resourceful should be a easy fix.

I just ordered a set from these guys yesterday and they shipped out today. I ordered 2 lengths cut to give me 4 48" length tubes. the ones in my phantom are 46" so I can cut them down to that size and put my own end caps on

I'll let you guys know how they turn out.

PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 06:36 PM

i have about 10 hours on a set the seem fine .

have not had any breaks, (if any thing super nice backup for about $6 a set.) i consider them permanent.

weights are close, fraction more than single pc.

i got a range of sizes 1/2" and both 3/8 ( ID 9/64 & 3/16 ) the thinner wall has less mass and good rigidity.

i my foam fill a set to see if it increases the rigidity. It has not been an issue and i have yet to see any deflexion like the oak sticks. i just wanna use the foam for something

i am sure at some point weight would be an issue in very very light wind or a really unbalanced pair. even when i ran an oak stick on one side and 3pc carbon(glass?)on the other flight and auto zenith seemed unaffected.

awindofchange - 18-12-2008 at 01:29 PM

Ok, just checked my stock and it looks like all we got is the GII compact sticks, so no help on the Bomba 17. For the price though, you can't beat the single lengths that have been listed above. The one piece spars are excellent and work great unless you want to collapse the kite down to its smallest form. Most people just keep the kite in the sausage bag while packed anyways. Less chance of having the multi-piece spars fail on you.

NPWfever - 18-12-2008 at 08:03 PM

There's no way I can use a GII spar? What about the 18 and cutting it down?

I could just pick up a fiberglass rod from home depot for $3 but I want something that will break down.

Taper123 - 19-12-2008 at 06:03 AM

Buy the spars, a ferrule, some bungy cord... and you'll have one that collapses. Just tape the carbon and use a sharp, fine toothed blade when you cut it. Or get a new set from someone, even if it's longer and trim to size.

I super glued a ferrule onto a 15m Phantom spar I broke and it's been working ever since.

awindofchange - 19-12-2008 at 12:06 PM

If you want to retrofit one of the GII rods for your kite I have a couple sets that I can give you a great deal on. PM me or e-mail me and we can talk. There is no guarantee/return at all on the rods if you mod them although I have modded some before just as you are talking about doing and they worked fine.

kitesurfer - 30-12-2008 at 05:35 AM


I use these guys now for spars. I buy 2 sizes. I can use (and have) either the small one or the large one as a one piece stick or cut the stick and make it a 2 or 3 piece stick. the size or the weight of the spar does not seem to affect the performance. I normally use a one piece spar but when one breaks, i save the scraps for a 2 piece late on.

PHREERIDER - 30-12-2008 at 07:15 AM

good link I'll get a set and add to the collection