tridude - 17-12-2008 at 05:20 AM
Purchased 1/8 inch Amsteel for the leaders/pigtails on the 13m V1. Man that is some strong yet supple line. Brake strength for 1/8" is 3100 lbs with
what seems no or very little stretch. I just made a set of handles and will be replacing the leaders with amsteel as well.................good
PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 06:04 AM
where did you get it ? i read alot about it but never see it to buy
action jackson - 17-12-2008 at 06:28 AM
West Marine has it, i stocked up last year in St. Pete, Fla at the ship store. He had it for .50 cents a foot. I use it for my depower line so i go
through it about every 3 months........aj
tridude - 17-12-2008 at 06:48 AM
yep, West Marine on Savannah Highway....................3/16th for the depower line correct? Thats my next project....................
BeamerBob - 17-12-2008 at 06:57 AM
What size is best to use for a strop? I have a west marine about 10 minutes from the office and could go pick some up. I really need to make myself
comfy using a strop. Is this a hollow braid cord or solid braid? In other words, do you splice it or knot it?
tridude - 17-12-2008 at 07:03 AM
3/16" at 4000 lb break strength and it can be spliced. I googled it and dudes are towing/pulling 4x4s with this stuff using
PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 07:14 AM
about 3months for my main as well. the sleeve frays & pops open then i will ride out that session, but move to the next bar set up, til i get a
line put in.
west marine never has it here....i get the high load rigging line seems ok very stiff
action jackson - 17-12-2008 at 07:30 AM
My west marine has everything but i do live in the 3rd largest boating community in the USA...........aj
BeamerBob - 17-12-2008 at 07:34 AM
3/16ths seems to be what Flexifoil uses for their strops made for the new handles. It doesn't say it is amsteel but reads like it is an equivalent.
They splice their ends.
EDIT: West Marine says their 3/16ths line has a 5000 lb breaking strength. Very stout.
PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 07:36 AM
one bar wears as well , i placed with epoxy a ALUM. tube(custom flowed and polished) and the line has cut thought it already ...a takoon bar has
polished SS and is rock solid.
once i tried a plastic tube sleeve by far the longest lasting but cut the bar like butter with the sand. a stainless ring in the bar protects the bar
but can eat the line
AJ glad you mentioned the rate of breakdown on the main.
just did set up with cool Hangman's knot above the loop, makes for a nice hand sized grip and bar stop
i'll see if if i can get a pic

dylanj423 - 17-12-2008 at 08:13 AM
I like that rig PHREERIDER... I have a FS that needs a new setup through the bar. How does that line hold up against the bar? Does the measurement
need to be EXACTLY the same, or can you be off an inch or two there... it doesnt seem like a critical measurement to me, but I'm not sure.
PHREERIDER - 17-12-2008 at 09:14 AM
the PL tolerate a lot of throw so on a PL it can be compensated with the strap if you are off a little , some set ups i have have very little depower
and makes hands free cruising nice, not for everyone, favors the full on feel like c-kites
you need to be close. on a FS, right on would be the idea they are far more sensitive.
having a good sense of the amount of bar movement and FULL power to DEpower is all you really need to replace it . stall at the bottom or not so much
depower you can customize it for what yo want .
first time... replicate what you see, material and length and knot application, simple as that.
FS are sensitive rigs, line knowledge , use and safety should be done in high confidence
custom stuff is cool but be careful
this particular line is high strength sailing running rig line . nearly zero stretch. should get me through the winter. i am sure if i rinsed it
more carefully 6 months easily. i tend to be rough with things, it feeds the DIY repair in me and really givesthe limits and gear tolerance
keepin the funjunk flowin' ...destroying the toys in a matter of moments and finding the tools that keep me satisfied
bbrex - 17-12-2008 at 05:08 PM
Is where I get all my Amsteel line. Todd has a very large selection of diameters and colors, he can beat any price and he has it in stock.
I use it for everything, link lines, power and break leaders and single line kites as well.
Todd Stauffer
1119 Lauren Lane
Stillwater, OK 74075
United States
(405) 533-1406
Brad Rex
powerzone - 19-12-2008 at 10:48 PM
luckily for us in the Northwest.... Samson Rope here locally makes Amsteel.
PM if you guys need some
we use the 1/8" for the pulley lines on our mods
Chad... i believe your modded Titan has the Amsteel pulley lines.
also we use it just like FS does for the DepowerLine. they call it "silverline" but its basically Amsteel with a 500lb Core. when we custom make
the sheeting line, we also Core the 1/4" Amsteel for added security and following the FS lead in quality.
Dylan, your Speed 1.5 13m has a specific length for the sheeting distance.... email me for it. if you need more depower lines, i'd be happy to hook
you up since its Christmas. I even have Blue for you to match your kite.