Power Kite Forum

Original ozone access

Jason-G - 18-12-2008 at 11:31 AM

Does anyone know the main difference between the Ozone Access original and the Access 2? Access XC? Is the original still worth buying if around and how much would it be worth - I think the original 3M Ozone Access sold for $570 US – what would be a good price now? Any idea on a 6M? How much less if used?


kiteNH - 18-12-2008 at 11:55 AM

Personally I wouldn't buy an Access I because it doesn't have a trim strap. It has knots so that you have to land the kite to adjust the trim. That doesn't seem like fun to me.

My understanding is that the main difference between the Access II and XC is that they redesigned the chicken loop for the XC. There could be other changes that I'm not aware of however.

A 3m Access is awfully small. It probably wouldn't have a huge depower range anyway so maybe the lack of trim strap wouldn't be a big deal. I'd say its worth $200-$250 or so. For an original 6m I think that NPWfever paid $350 for one brand new a few months ago. So a used Access I I'd probably say $300 ish. Prices are tough to peg since a lot of it depends on the condition of the kite.

centex_buggier - 18-12-2008 at 11:58 AM

As far as differences are concerned, the original Access had a carbon insert where the power line goes through the bar. The XC has a stainless insert which is a little lower friction and leads to less wear. Also the XC has a trimmer cleat, but one can be added to the original for about $20. I have a 4m original and a 6m XC and the kites themselves aren't all that different, if anything the original seems a little less efficient and perhaps a bit slower (therefore more stable), but the differences are minute and I'd really have to compare like sizes to give a better opinion.
My 4m needs 25MPH minimum to power up and my 6M needs about 18mph. Both kites are great in gusty conditions.

Bladerunner - 18-12-2008 at 12:01 PM


The original Access required you to park the kite in order to change the trim knots.

I 6m won't work well until about 15 or more mph..

With the depressed used kite market $300 sounds right.

kiteNH - 18-12-2008 at 12:11 PM

Does the Access II have the trimmer cleat or did that just get added for the XC's?

NPWfever - 18-12-2008 at 12:29 PM

I paid $350 for my 6m Access, it was new, but had sat around for a few years. I love it, and there was no appreciable difference between the I and XC that I flew. I think it was all control system changes. And I'm thinking about adding a trimmer, the knots could get annoying at times.


centex_buggier - 18-12-2008 at 01:35 PM

Trimmers are made by Clamcleat and can be found at fisheriessupply.com I just bought a CL230 for $16 that I believe is very close to the Ozone ones.

Dave62 - 5-1-2009 at 12:45 PM

The Access II has a trimmer cleat and a stainless insert in the bar.

buggeyed - 5-1-2009 at 03:13 PM

I have a 4m and 6m access1 and a 10m access2, I don't find the trimmer is a bid deal on the smaller kite but is a nice to have on the 10m.I would get at least a 6m unless you want a real high wind kite.My 4m also has a shorter bar ,a nice feature for buggy use.

andya - 5-1-2009 at 05:08 PM

Surprised no ones mentioned bar pressure, or lift

The XC has a much lower bar pressure than the Original, making it much less tiring in a bug.

The Mark1 was also the lowest lift version (and some say the fastest straight line), with a bit more lift in the Mark2 onwards.

Much as I like my Mark1 6m, the XC 4 and XC09 8m I have are a big improvement. Its getting to the point where I dislike 6m days now, and think it will have to be replaced ... wonder if I can hang on nine months until the XC'10 (in Sept)

WolfWolfee - 5-1-2009 at 05:12 PM

andya, have you ever heard of twelve step programs, maybe it time to step up...lol

andya - 5-1-2009 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by WolfWolfee
andya, have you ever heard of twelve step programs, maybe it time to step up...lol

Nope ... :tumble: so I HAD to google it straigth away ....

lol @ compulsive ... kites do wear out you know ... (at least thats what SWMBO has been taught to believe...)