Power Kite Forum

FlySurfers and buggies

WolfWolfee - 22-12-2008 at 10:05 PM

Anyone ever run one of these monsters on a buggy. Pulse, speeds or the old Warriors?

Warrior 16.5 c1.JPG - 28kB

Bladerunner - 22-12-2008 at 10:38 PM

I'm not sure about the Warrior but the Speed won't match up with the buggy well. Too twitchy and lifty !

I think the Cool and Pulse + there newer models may be better choices.

I think Powerzone does a Mod to the old Warriors that brings them up to date + improves their flying?

archkiter - 23-12-2008 at 12:30 AM

I've chatted with a few who like flying Speeds in the buggy- they describe it like a depowerable racekite- if such a thing existed :shocked2:

I'll report back once I try out the Pulse in the Buggy - really looking forward to it :smilegrin:

nwsurfwakeskate - 23-12-2008 at 01:11 AM

the speed is such a high aspect kite you can point it so far up wind. of course I've only flown the 17m so I haven't really experienced any twichyness. I love my arrow 1.5 though its my favorite kite in the quiver and I think it would make an awesome kite for buggying in light wind. it really doesn't have much lift. it really just pulls like a truck. every time I jump with it it has huge hang time but I really only get about 5-10ft off the water.

I had a 7m modded warrior and I wouldn't recommend it as a good buggy kite. the power was a little too on/off it was a fun kite but definitely not as nice as flysurfers newer gear.

I'd say for best all around pulse 2 is the way to go. speeds are better if you are an advanced flyer

ragden - 23-12-2008 at 07:59 AM

I've been planning on trying my Outlaw's in the buggy, but I havent had a chance to do it yet. Hopefully this weekend, and I'll report back on its performance... :)

Bladerunner - 23-12-2008 at 08:50 AM

Interesting ! I only ever flew my 7m Speed once. I am sort of going on advice from Powerzone on this.

When I think about it the " depower race kite " sounds like an appropriate description. Both are a bit twitchy ?

I think Powerzone led me to the Pulse because I'm NOT the race type. You like the race kites and so I may need to eat my words !

Can You " try before You buy "?

WolfWolfee - 23-12-2008 at 09:04 AM

No I wish I could, the Warrior looks in better condition and had the WAC system. The other is the Speed air. Hard time making up my mind. The more info the better.

dylanj423 - 23-12-2008 at 09:17 AM

Hey wolfee... i owned a speed air about 8 months ago. If its a choice between only these two, I recommend the warrior. It is a newer kite, and probably much better. The speedair has an AR of probably 3:1, turns pretty slow, and does not have a zipper (unless it has been modded). There was no real depower either... it was just on/off.

Having not owned a warrior, however, I cant say anything about it.

Good luck on your decision. Do you have any other Flysurfers?? It is truly amazing the difference that a few years makes with these kites... AMAZING.

KiteProject - 23-12-2008 at 09:25 AM

Pulse, in a buggy once and it kicked butt i.e. my butt. The 10m Pulse was too big for the wind conditions and the buggy took off like a rocket. I am going to try my Pulse and Pulse2 in a buggy and report back for the potential FS buggiers.

PS: there is a buggy video on foilzone; I think the guy was using a 12m Speed 2 (green colored kite). He is jumping around like he is using a Blade IV 8.5!! Take a look.

Bladerunner - 23-12-2008 at 10:18 AM

Flysurfer and a lot of other brands seemed to step it up a notch in around 2006.

The big leap forward was the Speed II Pulse and of course the SA.

Using my 10m Psycho II as an example. I was impressed with the quality and engineering more than it's flying ? Be aware that to fly one of these kites is not the same as flying a recent model !

I can blame a good part of that to MY skills not matching that of the kite, flying wise :yes: .