Well having killed my knees in the Lake no matter what I rode ski's or board it just not going to work.
So I have decided to create a Ice buggy, started with 1/2" aluminum plate for rears and lots to do in the front end to take the torque and camber as
it turns.
Some early pictures of my creation in the making.
WolfWolfee - 24-12-2008 at 07:39 AM
Well front end didn't come out the way I wanted, have to wait for buddy to return and do a little welding for me. Hope to give it a try this weekend
with and winds showing up. It -37 and calm not a great kite day.
CheersWolfWolfee - 25-12-2008 at 02:46 PM
Tried a little kiting but just not enough wind....bummerindigo_wolf - 25-12-2008 at 08:38 PM
It makes for some interesting reading and it was kind of interesting what was done to conquer some of the technical hurdles.
SamWolfWolfee - 26-12-2008 at 12:17 AM
It is one thing I did look at but looks very weak and cumbersome. I figure it will definitely be a learning experience building this rig.
As the saying goes this is Version 1.1 etc etc..lunchbox - 26-12-2008 at 02:41 PM
Hey WW,
I know the best part of making something like this is doing it yourself, but just wanted to let you know that Don from kiteplace.com built his own and
it seems to work very nicely at least in the video.
HTH with the front end...WolfWolfee - 26-12-2008 at 04:11 PM
Thanks for the info, just about got her built just need some wind. Thought I'd seen a video before thanks for the link.
Wonder if he is still running around on it.WolfWolfee - 28-12-2008 at 08:49 PM
Well took finished the buggy and went to a outdoor arena (ice rink) and spent some time feeling her out and was nicely surprised.
Used a water skiing tow rope and a quad for power. Might have to brace the back blades flexed a little but held up well no signs of stress or warping.
The old wind witch is calling for 20 km/h + winds tomorrow. Wish me luck, trying the new Pro 661 Body armor and the ice buggy Ver 1.01.
Seriously need a wind fix........ahhhhhhhhhhhInsect0man - 10-2-2010 at 08:09 PM
Originally posted by WolfWolfee
trying the new Pro 661 Body armor and the ice buggy Ver 1.01.
So, how'd it work out? I like the simplicity of your design and have been thinking of something similar bladewise.markite - 10-2-2010 at 08:52 PM
You might have a problem with spiderman holding that back axle and slowing you down.
We've got a mixture of skis and blades for the buggies. Ziggy and Tim are using the snowmobile skis with the carbides running down the base for
crossing ice - works good in hardpack crusty snow. (Everything bogs down in wet or deep snow)
The fastest are the buggies we have built using blades - they track amazing and you can still push out your back end to sluff off speed. Need to watch
the tight turning and momentum carried on ice that you don't over run lines - especially bad with blades.
The only thing with blades is needing the nice ice which we rarely get anymore. The blades need to be perfectly aligned otherwise you'll get lots of
drag. Keep them sharp and you'll go freaking fast - love them.
We had the earlier PL kitesled here n Ontario for testing and found lots of interesting things with it and some of the mods mentioned in the article
came bout from our test runs. That sled is somewhere out west now (west of Ontario), I'll have to dig up where it was shipped off to.
Keep up the good work and reports on progress
MarkMaven454 - 11-2-2010 at 04:37 AM
Anyone else notice that all of WolfWolfee's posts were in 2008?markite - 11-2-2010 at 07:56 AM
damn, caught in another time warp thread .....Insect0man - 11-2-2010 at 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Maven454
Anyone else notice that all of WolfWolfee's posts were in 2008?
Yes, but he's still here and I'd like to hear about how his Ice Buggy worked and if he'd share any insights gained from his design... for those of us
about to pick up the torch.doublespeed360 - 11-2-2010 at 09:58 AM
got out on sunday /monday with libre blades,all sharpen up for kitestorm.Insect0man - 11-2-2010 at 10:05 AM
>> libre blades
Presuming you added ice blades to a libre kite buggy. Didn't see anything re "libre blades" via Google.
Can you elaborate... got pictures?doublespeed360 - 11-2-2010 at 10:33 AM
no pictures,jon might have them on his site. kite buggy speed shop.comdoublespeed360 - 15-2-2010 at 05:52 PM
insectoman pics of ice blades is on post [libre icebuggy by ] lee brianh on 3-1- 2009 and markite has some too.ripsessionkites has a great closeup of
one too for appex buggy.doublespeed360 - 15-2-2010 at 06:15 PM
me and rick valencourt got out today on the ice-buggy,i had a wicked good time.it was at lake massabesic nh.log 30 miles oh that was so sweet.speed
[41.7 pb ]. i had 2 objective don't get hurt and make it back to camp.going to take some advill now .can't wait for nabx/sbbb 2010.WolfWolfee - 16-2-2010 at 09:20 AM
Well Maven, I have posted since then...lol as for the buggy our snow gets so deep fast limited use of buggy. I did add carbide rails to rear blades
and still not really happy with front end but have a few ideas to fix itjellis - 16-2-2010 at 09:55 AM
Here are the Libre ice skates. They have 12mm up front and 20mm in the back or they can be ordered only 12s or only 20s.
WolfWolfee - 16-2-2010 at 05:07 PM
those are pretty sweet looking, need some for Flexi's...lol.