william_rx7 - 2-1-2009 at 05:29 PM
All thanks for all your support of LocalKiteSpots.com during 2008, the site has grown tremendously and now has over 1,000 spots worldwide (109 in Ontario!).
Recently, I've added snow data to the forecast data, it comes from Environment Canada (no I don't make up the forecasts). This is a one of a kind
feature, not found on any other site, and just in time for prime Snow Kiting season.
There are two pieces of data that appear when there is snow present in the forecast. The data is automatically generated for every spot, so add your
spots to get the snow and wind forecast for them.
Snow: the forecast amount of snow accumulation during the 3 hour period
Depth: the forecast amount of snow on the ground during the 3 hour period, accounting for previous snows and melting.
Data for US is in inches, everywhere else in cm.
Use this data as a guide, large variances are possible from many possible conditions. Snow depth does not measure ice depth on lakes or rivers.
Forecast data changes frequently.
I hope you find this data useful, and make it a part of your snow-kiting planning. Let's hope for S N O W!
Bill (sno-kite/william_rx7)