macboy - 9-1-2009 at 12:59 AM
If I were to say the Access is a forgiving, stable cruising kite what would you say in 4 or 5 words about the Frenzy? And the Manta?
revpaul - 9-1-2009 at 10:43 AM
i can't remember if you got to try my 7.5 frenzy.
i 'thought' it was a #@%$#! cat. i had no clue as to what it could really do until "one day".
me and derek were cooking with a 3m Beamer3 and a 2.5m Razor, respectively. i tried his Razor and had a few "hit the nitro button" runs. you know,
cooking along at top speed (you think) and all of a sudden, boom you feel an instant burst of speed but it's smooth. i remember thinking "ohhh, this
is what a 'real' race kite is all about".
(*i never really felt that "instant burst" before. i felt a lot of gusts that want to pull handles/kite from hands but this was different. with the
Blurr(s) and Reactor the speed/acceleration was always more ? even.)
we hooked up tandem and unrolled the Frenzy. after a few passes we seperated the bugs and i did a few passes with the frenzy and it did the exact same
thing as the 2.5m Razor. cooking along with hardly and bar and boom, see ya!...after the initial surprise and amazement i said to myself "this is
exactly what the Razor did, strange that a depower behaves the same as a full blown race kite".
BTW- are you up for a trip to S cooking lake sometime soon? it's been a while and i also need a look at wolfee's ice machine.