Power Kite Forum

PeterLynn Prices

f0rgiv3n - 12-1-2009 at 09:29 AM

How are Peter Lynn's kites so much cheaper yet we have so many people rave about them? It's just crazy! I was just checking out the synergy on coastalwindsports and I couldn't believe the price for how much material they have on 'em!! I'm always expecting new retail prices to be like flysurfer prices $1500+.... And also, why aren't they more popular?!

action jackson - 12-1-2009 at 09:34 AM

The zipper is just misunderstood! Great kites that last for yrs, not just a season!............aj

BeamerBob - 12-1-2009 at 09:36 AM

Actually, they seem to be getting pretty popular. Tridude, and Phreerider swear by them. They are both local guys so it seems like a quantum shift in my area. Its hard to find someone talking bad about the ARC's is another way to look at it. The only compromise I've ever heard is lack of low wind performance, but that seems to be not as much of an issue with the new synergy at about $950 for a 15m.

WolfWolfee - 12-1-2009 at 09:39 AM

That is a good question, FlySurfer's have always been the most expensive out there. The PL's are great kites, people I know have arcs as well as fixed bridles and love them. I have one of the Reactor a 4.9M and have flown race kites etc and still find this one of the best kites I own. Part of there lack of popularity is probably no team riders in North America that I'm aware of, I could be wrong and no demos happening like with the FS and HQ guys.
I think the pricing issue has a lot to do with the Euro and exchange rates etc.

dylanj423 - 12-1-2009 at 09:48 AM

I was looking at this also... It seems like for what I just recently paid for my 17m PsychoIII, I could have gotten two new Synergys:shocked2:

I love my FS'ers... really, I do... but I may have to try one of these PL's out. What Synergy would I need to cover my 10m Flysurfer gap??

powerzone - 12-1-2009 at 11:04 AM

youd need like a 13 or so PL with some line extensions to cover a 10m depower foil size...

Flysurfers offer a Free Repair warranty, PL does not. bridled foils are so much more efficient and cutting edge technology, all that testing and development costs$... PL are very simple but effective in their own way.... PL have lots of pop and fast turning, but FS has the float/glide and low wind edge for sure.

all i can say is TRY ONE and see if you like it or if the 'hype' and products work for your application.

lunchbox - 12-1-2009 at 01:54 PM


And also, why aren't they more popular?!

I often wonder about the same thing...I absolutely love my Venom 2's and Reactors!

IMHO, it seems to me that it's just plain marketing. Peter Lynn seems like they take the mindset that says, yeah we'll do some basic marketing, but we know we have a great product(s) so let people experience our product and let word of mouth drive our sales...

...I also think they could do a better job of 'selling' their kites (i.e. by pointing out what makes these kites so great).

...maybe showing a scene with a guy laying next to a beautiful girl on a hammock on a Caribbean beach with white sand and turquoise water with a slight breeze in the air...next scene shows the trusty Snerygy anchored a few feet away patiently hovering above...the guy grabs the kite and rides off into the ocean....

...or something like that :wee:

carltb - 12-1-2009 at 02:04 PM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
How are Peter Lynn's kites so much cheaper yet we have so many people rave about them? It's just crazy! I was just checking out the synergy on coastalwindsports and I couldn't believe the price for how much material they have on 'em!! I'm always expecting new retail prices to be like flysurfer prices $1500+.... And also, why aren't they more popular?!

a brand new synergy 15m, ready to fly, in the uk, is aprox £950. i dont know what the exchange rate into dollers is, but id guess at at least 1.5$ to the £. so it takes it very close to the $1500.00 mark

f0rgiv3n - 12-1-2009 at 02:17 PM

True, they come out to be $1400 if they are that much. But at coastalwindsports the complete 15m synergy is $1179!!

carltb - 12-1-2009 at 02:47 PM

$619.00 6 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$619.00 6 m / Red-White-Blue
$619.00 6 m / Teal-Yellow-Black
$699.00 8 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$699.00 8 m / Red-White-Blue
$699.00 8 m / Teal-Yellow-Black
$759.00 10 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$759.00 10 m / Red-White-Blue
$759.00 10 m / Teal-Yellow-Black
$849.00 12 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$849.00 12 m / Red-White-Blue
$849.00 12 m / Teal-Yellow-Black
$929.00 15 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$929.00 15 m / Red-White-Blue
$929.00 15 m / Teal-Yellow-Black
$979.00 19 m Green-Yellow-Red
$979.00 19 m / Red-White-Blue
$979.00 19 m / Teal-Yellow-Red
$1,179.00 24 m / Green-Yellow-Red
$1,179.00 24 m / Red-White-Blue
$1,179.00 24 m / Teal-Yellow-Black

these prices are amazing. i wonder how much shipping to the uk would be?

macboy - 12-1-2009 at 02:48 PM

And the pricing is compounded on the used market because they seem to be so unknown! I picked up the G10, P15, V16 and V19 for about a grand all in and the V19 and Phantom had been hardly flown as near as I could tell. I'm hooked for sure. Nothing beats not being able to come into the pits so you just stand there with the kite in the air waiting for you. At one point I had even laid down to cinch up my harness while the kite merrilly bobbed above. I coulda laid there and watched it all day it was so pretty.

f0rgiv3n - 12-1-2009 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by macboy
And the pricing is compounded on the used market because they seem to be so unknown! I picked up the G10, P15, V16 and V19 for about a grand all in and the V19 and Phantom had been hardly flown as near as I could tell. I'm hooked for sure. Nothing beats not being able to come into the pits so you just stand there with the kite in the air waiting for you. At one point I had even laid down to cinch up my harness while the kite merrilly bobbed above. I coulda laid there and watched it all day it was so pretty.

:O duuuude.... you make me SO JEALOUS. I'm thinking i'll be in the market here soon and I hope i can find me a venom or 2.... I'm afraid they're getting more and more rare :(

kiteNH - 12-1-2009 at 03:38 PM

Originally posted by macboy
Nothing beats not being able to come into the pits so you just stand there with the kite in the air waiting for you. At one point I had even laid down to cinch up my harness while the kite merrilly bobbed above. I coulda laid there and watched it all day it was so pretty.

I've got to try one of these soon. This sounds so ideal for snowkiting. Launch kite, sit down and secure a snowboard or heck, even put on ski boots, then cruise off. I'm trying to use a snowboard this year without having any actual experience snowboarding and actually getting in and out of the board and launching solo with my Ozone's is a bit of a challenge.

The legendary gust munching also sounds good for the gusty winter winds that we get. I haven't had much of an opportunity to fly one but I'm also not that eager to either because I'm one kite short of a full Ozone depower quiver that should have me well covered from 8-30+ mph. The last thing that I need now is to get hooked on PL's and start switching it up.

macboy - 12-1-2009 at 10:34 PM

You'll have to get Wolfee's take on the gust munching. He said he was watching the kite flex open and closed in the gusts as I was riding but I didn't even notice.

I had launched the kite with my snowboots on because I hadn't flown it much. I figured I'd just scud a bit and then think about the skis. Well, I had hardly launched it and decided it wanted to go so I handed the chickenloop to our buddy Vince and he held the kite while I slipped into the ski boots. Never really thought about just leaving it bobbing. Moreover, I think I'll check the hold strength on my ice screws...maybe in the future I can just pop the chickenloop onto it and fetch my gear ; )

Get this - last summer when I went to drink the lake water I launched the Guerilla and realized that my right hand lines were twisted (I had hooked them up wrong). I walked to the end of the pier (I was in the water) and hooked the chickenloop to the line I had wrapped around the end of the pier to hold my wind meter. I jumped out of the water up onto the pier and without any fear or hesitation, undid the front line and unwrapped it. The Guerilla just bobbed to and fro in the bumpy 25kmh wind. (Granted I did the line switch VERY quickly.)

Okay, okay....I've said enough. I think everyone should try one. They're certainly not for everyone and I myself am not fond of the launch and land but it's a small inconvenience to me given all the bonuses and far better than the nonexistent self launch and land of the Airush quiver I bought and sold before I even flew them.

PHREERIDER - 13-1-2009 at 09:20 AM

flight with twisted line switch i have done, and looped the leaders at the bar ends makes it even easier.

for resting ... just lay down on my back on the beach and when the wind picks up it wakes me up.

with a stall set up i can place the kite exactly where i launched from with out twist

can drop it from the zenith to the exact same spot as well but its gonna twist

try it you'll like it

acampbell - 13-1-2009 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
How are Peter Lynn's kites so much cheaper yet we have so many people rave about them? It's just crazy! I was just checking out the synergy on coastalwindsports and I couldn't believe the price for how much material they have on 'em!! I'm always expecting new retail prices to be like flysurfer prices $1500+.... And also, why aren't they more popular?!

These are simply the new MSRP's based on dealing dircect with PL instead of intermediary distributor. In fact they have some $ built in to cover cost of shipping from Holland. They are reorgizing their product line and business model for the better, I think.

f0rgiv3n - 13-1-2009 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
These are simply the new MSRP's based on dealing dircect with PL instead of intermediary distributor. In fact they have some $ built in to cover cost of shipping from Holland. They are reorgizing their product line and business model for the better, I think.

Well that's awesome dude!! great news :spin:

tridude - 13-1-2009 at 10:02 AM

well amen for the reorg and coastal...........thanx Angus!!!!