Power Kite Forum

DoomWheels Pic 1

wzrd - 16-11-2004 at 03:07 PM

Finally managed to build these skates after 3 months.

There has been very little wind, so have not tested them out yet, but looking forward to it.

Got a 4m Ozone Samurai that had a good deal of pull, with plenty stability.

doomwheels - 17-11-2004 at 02:43 AM

Looking good! Tip: place rubber end caps over the exposed ends of the bolts to prevent catching your inner shin. Feel free to post some action shots.

good tip thanks

wzrd - 20-11-2004 at 04:46 AM

biggles - 20-11-2004 at 06:52 AM

nice build wzrd.

where abouts in london are you.
im about 25 mins out of london towards guildford, maybe you could join us up at wisley air field sometime, got nice long dis-used runways to get the most out off your gear, failing that, buster hill just off the A3 is a good wind spot, wind blows good most days there. giz a shout if your up for it sometime in the new year


Uk Kiteblading

wzrd - 23-11-2004 at 04:43 PM

hi biggles

I am in south london. Balham.
Are there many kitebladers around our area?

Your locations sound great. been wondering where I can get some good open space to give the DoomWheels a run.

My closest place worth visiting is Purley way playing fields in Croyden

would enjoy meeting you for a day out at the airfield.

lets get in touch in the new year


biggles - 24-11-2004 at 06:39 AM

no worries wzrd.
we will be starting our weekends at the airfield and buster hill around feb time, ill be visiting this forum most days anyways so ill either post a link to you or send me your email and ill add you and mail you when they let us back on :)


where did u get your wheelies

spock44 - 22-2-2007 at 02:53 PM

hi wzrd
im based in n.ireland myself and have been trying to get hold off wheels exactly like the ones u have.i have rang bike shops ,boot markets,ebay, the lot but cant seem to get any .seeing u r based in london is it possible u could forward me the address of the shop u got them in so as i might be able to get 2 pairs sent over. its seems all the shops that do sell them online are based in america also.anyway fantastic job on the skates.hopefully i'll get a pair made soon enough myself
