Power Kite Forum

Linesets - Recommended Manufacturer?

macboy - 22-1-2009 at 11:55 PM

I have local access to HQ linesets, and know that I can get others from our friends here but I'm wondering what the skinny is on which are best, which are best value, which are best for land, best for water.

ripsessionkites - 23-1-2009 at 04:28 AM

Shanti / Climax / Ozone / Vector / Q-Line

I'm a big fan of Climax lines myself. Not because we sell them, but from personal experience.
The powerlines are Orange / brake lines are white, come presleeved on a winder.
High Quality lines that are probably a little more pricer than most. But i've never had a line break, with one set i'm managed to beat 3 years at NABX, driven on it every weekend and even pulled and tugged through thorn bushes.

comes in different lengths from 15m upto 45m ... we are currently Out of Stock for 2 weeks. =(

Shanti: see Coastal / AWOC / Eli

Climax: http://www.ockert.net/drachen_e/buggy_combat.htm

Ozone: Eli

Vector: http://www.vliegerop.com/index.php?inhoud=product&id=142... (most PL Dealers carry these)

Q-Line: http://www.powerline-sports.com/main.html

hope this helps. :tumble:

speleopower - 23-1-2009 at 08:05 AM

Shanti for brake lines and Q-Power for main lines.


acampbell - 23-1-2009 at 08:13 AM

I'm about to stock Q-powerline.
I also have Shanti in shorter lengths for smaller kites.
Nothing wrong with HQ Dyneema colored sets, though.

awindofchange - 23-1-2009 at 02:33 PM

If you get Q-power you probably won't be needing to purchase another set of lines for many many years. :) The beauty with Q-power is that you don't need any sleeving at all. Just tie a figure 8 in it and go.

IMO, Q-power is the best power kite line you can buy.

Shanti / Laser Pro Gold comes in second for me and is preferred for all my stunt kites.

Dyneema will work but it doesn't have near the strength / stretch resistance of 100% Spectra or Q-Power.

speleopower - 23-1-2009 at 05:50 PM

OH, yeah-Laser Pro Gold is awesome stuff as well!

lunchbox - 23-1-2009 at 07:39 PM

Q-Power seems to be a well liked lineset on this forum....am I the only one who thinks it's a little too 'stiff' and seems to 'sticS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K- together when unwinding the lines and preparing to launch???

Love the Flexi and HQ lines myself!

speleopower - 23-1-2009 at 07:58 PM

lunchbox-yup! I think your the only one who thinks the line is to stiff and sticks together :spin:


lunchbox - 23-1-2009 at 08:01 PM


lunchbox-yup! I think your the only one who thinks the line is to stiff and sticks together :spin:

Good one Scott...that was funny!!!

Sitting at home drinking Vodka Red bull when I posted that and wondering who would be the first to respond that I was the only one....

speleopower - 23-1-2009 at 08:56 PM

I'll take a vodka red bull but hold the red bull that stuff will give you a heart attack! blaaahk...
Red Bull bad!!!! Vodka good!!!

My doc gave me some pain killers today and I"m pretty well flying high right now and a vodka would probalby put me down hard. Busted my tailbone Thanksgiving weekend and it's hurting worse than when it happened!!!!
