phill matthews - 1-2-2009 at 09:35 AM
Hi... I am looking for some advice on all terrain blades. I have just returned from a skiing holiday where I learned to kite ski... And I am hooked!
Had a terrific time and want to put into practice all that I learned. However, the UK isn't renowned for it's fantastic snow conditions so, in the
interests of practicality, I am looking to get some all terrain skates. However, I don't know which ones are the best to buy and was hoping for a few
I am looking for something that performs rather like a ski... for obvious reasons... I have seen some Skorpion multi terrain quad skates that might
be OK... Has anyone got any opinions on these or anything alse that you think will be good to try...
Many thanks... Phill
bigben91682 - 1-2-2009 at 11:43 AM
I've never tried these, or anything like them for that matter, but maybe it's close to what you're looking for.
phill matthews - 1-2-2009 at 01:06 PM
That is fantastic... Thank you I really appreciate the link... I'll let you know how I get on... Cheers Phil
Bladerunner - 1-2-2009 at 05:08 PM
I LOVE the Coyote Rollerblades.
I am wearing them in my Avatar. A beeter view can be had in the Photo gallery.
I think a set of Size 10 are on Ebay right now. I have a set of size 8 for sale. Rollerblade no longer make them so second hand is it.
They are super stable and the set-up allows you to Frankin'step about. The shorter 3 wheel base allows you to carve turns + scrub off speed. Mine run
on playing fields and hardpack beaches very well
The larger wheels + Footprint of the gateskates and doomwheels makes them better for high speeds + extremely rough terrain. Longer grass and softer
sand. Very wide turns or step turns are what you need with this set-up.
I think most people who bought gate skates end up attaching boots to them ? Lots of previuos post if you search !
My Coyotes are a good cross over from snow kiting
PHREERIDER - 1-2-2009 at 06:34 PM
i like the coyotes as well, with a big kite nice jumping too
easy pop front to back
just plain fun
Bladerunner - 2-2-2009 at 11:25 AM
In case you haven't stumbled on it yet, Here is a good place to get started!
f0rgiv3n - 2-2-2009 at 11:32 AM
I've used the gate skates... well, once :P . I had them for a bit but they just weren't my thing. The movement wasn't there because they are a bit on
the heavy side. Just a personal preference. I ended up selling them to Eli if you can find him on here he could provide you some info. USA_Eli_A Is
his username I believe!