NHT Kitesurfer - 1-2-2009 at 08:39 PM
I hope to be out at Woodsam in Amesbury, MA soon to get going on the new kite. I live in Beverly, and I've been practicing at the soccer fields at the
Beverly Airport with a 3M trainer. I'm hoping to be at the soccer fields one or both days next weekend to get some practice in with the bigger kite.
Once I feel like I've got the hang of flying I'll try it with the skis, then hopefully hit up Woodsam.
I'll either be in a '97 M3 or depending on how the roads/parking is a '02 Legacy wagon
Be safe, and watch out for those power lines, and Powerliners!
doublespeed360 - 4-2-2009 at 05:10 PM
i have been at that field with my mt.board last fall it's the biggest field i found with nice grass. you be safe to and watch out for planes.
NHT Kitesurfer - 4-2-2009 at 06:04 PM
nice, I figured someone else around here must have noticed the field as well.
In the summer/fall it is usually packed with kids!
Yeah the pilots must wonder about the kites when they see them!
redtailin - 4-2-2009 at 06:41 PM
haha yea, our best flying sites are right on approach fixes for the grand forks airport (some buddies of mine that I fly with and I are going to
flight school up here in ND) and now and then we get landing light flashes or a wing rock. Although you would have to be within a few hundred feet of
the actual runway for anything to happen, there is a FAA law that says any object within x feet tall must be x distance away from the airport.
Unfortunately I don't know what the distance is but I want to say its .5 or 1 mile away from the runway....just something to keep in mind.
Im sure you have all seen this, but it made me think of it....good thing its fake
NHT Kitesurfer - 4-2-2009 at 06:50 PM
Thanks, I'll see if I can find the regulation and post a link if I do.
redtailin - 4-2-2009 at 10:03 PM
I did a little bit of searching, and I couldnt find it in the regs, but when I googled kiting near airports this page came up:
There is states that if you are within 2 mines of an airport the kite cannot be on any lines longer than 500ft and no more than 5 pounds.
I think most of us here will have no problem with this rule...Ill keep on the lookout for any official reg.
furbowski - 4-2-2009 at 10:22 PM
500 feet of 5 pound line????
more likely 5 pounds for the kite -- reckon it gets interpreted that way, eh?
redtailin - 4-2-2009 at 11:06 PM
haha my bad, yea, thats what i meant. kite<5 lbs or lines <500 ft.
NHT Kitesurfer - 5-2-2009 at 08:49 PM
I wasn't able to find anything, thanks for the info.
kiteNH - 6-2-2009 at 06:23 AM
I just picked up a 6m Access myself. NHT, I bet your new Access is Red, isn't it.
I might see you out at Woodsom this weekend, although I'm not sure what my plans are yet.
I didn't realize that you could landboard out there. For some reason I didn't think it would be mowed well enough or that the ground would be hard
enough. I don't get the "watch out for planes thing". I've never seen planes out there that I can remember.
NHT Kitesurfer - 6-2-2009 at 06:59 PM
Let me clarify, the planes are nearby at the soccer fields near the Beverly airport, they won't be an issue at Woodsham. I am actually going to check
out Klock park tomorrow. It's a place just off Rt.1 in Topsfield, MA. I haven't been in many years but from what I remember it should be perfect for
practicing off the skis, and possibly with the skis on. I need to get a bit more practice in before I hit up Woodsham, but I'm sure we will run into
each other there at some point.
NHT Kitesurfer - 7-2-2009 at 02:30 PM
So I went to Klock park today in Topsfield, MA. It's not bad for beginners unfortunately there was not much wind so I only got a little bit of
practice. Also they don't plow it out so I had to park in the street and walk in. However, I did notice and adjacent business park that is a short
walk through the woods, so one could park there and walk over to the Park without much trouble.