Power Kite Forum

Pressure suits

kitedog - 3-2-2009 at 08:00 AM

I'm thinking about using a pressure suit but I'm wondering how it will fit with a waist harness. Anyone use a pressure suit in combination with a waist harness? If so, which one do you recommend?

kitedemon - 3-2-2009 at 08:05 AM

Hey I was looking at the 661 pressure suit but like you, I don't know what it would be like with a harness. I also thought about a spine guard by its self and trimming the lower end off. Again i have been thinking along the same lines but was worried about the harness and where I am no one has one in stock that I could try on with a harness.

dylanj423 - 3-2-2009 at 08:31 AM

I use an impact vest harness, made by dakine. I guess it depends on your use, as the shoulders aren't really protected. It does have impact foam all over the chest, and the spinal cord. No hard armor, though.

I have thought about using a motocross racing suit with armor in the suit, like they race motorcycles with. If its good enough to take a bike crash, its got to be good enough to take what we dish out, eh?:dunno:

*edit* just looked up pressure suit, it seems it is the same as I was thinking.... I didnt know it was called a pressure suit. Also, the ones I looked at were full body.

kitedog - 3-2-2009 at 09:08 AM

I was hoping to find one with a removeable spine protector. Maybe I could find something with just shoulders and elbows?

PHREERIDER - 3-2-2009 at 12:10 PM

pressure suit?

like a G-suit, what application are you looking for ?

Dagon - 3-2-2009 at 01:05 PM

I have a 661 pressure suit, it has a removable spine protector, and it works great with a seat harness. you can get them on ebay for about $80-90.

kitedog - 3-2-2009 at 01:43 PM

Dagon: Which model do you have?

Phree: Not exactly sure why it's called a pressure suit. I know they have a belt that you velcro around your mid-section like a hernia belt. That would apply some pressure. Aside from that, who knows?

WELDNGOD - 3-2-2009 at 02:40 PM

to reduce the impact pressure on yo azz( or other parts), when you go down hard- n -fast?

WolfWolfee - 4-2-2009 at 08:10 PM

I wiped out one time so bad I tore one arm right off my 661 suit. Left a Little skin on the playa but basically walked away from a 48 mph crash. I bought another one.

macboy - 4-2-2009 at 11:25 PM

Mine's not bad with the waist (aka chest) harness. I find it helps keep the harness down. Of course I still opt for the seat harness when I can.

BeamerBob - 5-2-2009 at 04:38 AM

Do you guys wear these every time out or only when conditions will have you going fast or the wind is unpredictable? I'm just trying to imagine wearing one out on the beach in 95 degrees with the sun beating down, you know one of those days where you are in the water every half hour to cool off? I'm all for the protection but I wonder if I could actually stand to wear it in mundane conditions. I guess if I had it in the bag and it was a 2m kite day then it would feel like it was worth slipping it on. Do you wear a shirt underneath it or straight to skin?

WolfWolfee - 5-2-2009 at 06:43 AM

In the summer for me straight skin. The 661 are made of mesh breathe pretty well. I personally wear mine about 90% of the time. I put it on at the house then no excuses. Remember is something goes wrong what are you going to say "wish I had worn my suit" it happens so fast. It's like my job, the day you don't wear it is the day you need it. IMHO


speleopower - 5-2-2009 at 09:19 PM

Post a link to one of the pressure suits

WolfWolfee - 5-2-2009 at 09:22 PM


dylanj423 - 5-2-2009 at 09:33 PM

Would a motorcycle racing suit work?

Like this:

Seems like if its good enough for motorcycle accidents, it would be okay for getting OBE'd

WolfWolfee - 6-2-2009 at 04:41 AM

I think you would sweat like a pig in leather.

speleopower - 6-2-2009 at 11:54 AM

Looks good. I might have to give one a try on a jetski as well.

Thanks for posting a link.