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More Peter Lynn Talk

barnes - 9-2-2009 at 02:53 PM

I was lucky enough to try out leebrianh's Scropion 16m 2 weekends ago, and had a great time...and I actually ended up buying it from him!

So, yesterday, I was out with it, winds were up to 20knots at times I believe, but more like 15 for the most part.

I was excited about having the new kite, so I put it up anyways. I had almost no issues holding it down while others were either perfectly or over powered on 6m, 7.5m and 8ms. Awesome really.

Just wanted to share my good fortunes with the new kite. I'm still learning, so I am going to have some questions, I'm sure...like self landing. Letting it off on the saftey looks bad, like it will stretch the line out.

Can't wait to really get used to the beast! :tumble:

Bladerunner - 9-2-2009 at 03:06 PM

Pablo's 16m Scorpion was almost a 1 kite quiver for him!

He could take it into to 30's easy on water but he is a big boy.

The range was amazing with the different set-ups.

barnes - 9-2-2009 at 03:32 PM

Yeah, no kidding! I don't think I'll be buying a new kite for awhile! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

...thank god, I have no money!

WolfWolfee - 9-2-2009 at 08:07 PM

Well I don't know about mine, tell you one thing it sure does not like is no wind.
Barnes you running extensions on your rear lines? is so how long. Played with them a bit but just didn't have the wind to get her up.
I can't see them being that heavy on the bar with all the options you can dial in.
I am looking forward to getting her in the air, curse of the new kite...lol

PHREERIDER - 9-2-2009 at 08:56 PM

i believe my V16 is the one kite quiver for me

on the land around 8mph to 30 mph on the water

but the v13 has spread it even more

8-40mph hard to beat that kinda flexibility plus it is much quicker turning

for under 150lbs v10 ... it could be your one kite quiver or anything newer

tridude - 10-2-2009 at 06:04 AM

Leebrianh told me you bought the Scorp........great kite and if you have any questions Ill be happy to answer them or at least try to.........................welcome to the "Arc" world...............