DAKITEZ - 21-2-2009 at 07:20 PM
Unfortunately, I have to leave nabx early. I wish I could stay till sunday.
Is there anyone else that has to leave on friday that can give me a ride to the airport? It will just be me and a small bag with my clothes.
SCREWYFITS - 21-2-2009 at 09:18 PM
I think I'll take you, I'm pretty sure the wife wants to go and have some fun in Las Wages... I'm kinda want'n to hit up that indoor skydiving tunnel
so this'll give us a good reason to head over there... do you know how far it is from Primm?
ripsessionkites - 22-2-2009 at 03:27 AM
what time do you need to head out?
2 from my group will drive in/out of Vegas daily to the playa.
DAKITEZ - 22-2-2009 at 09:44 AM
Thanks Rip, but after talking to Screwy last night he is going to hook me up with a ride to the airport.
Thanks Screwy!!!