Power Kite Forum

a little help

madkiltkiter - 25-2-2009 at 03:20 PM

I have a obscure help question.
I bought a un-used Naish 7.0 AR 3.5 for
a few dollars, for something to play
around with. it has no bridal.
but all the connection points and pulleys.
anyone know how the bridal is
configured? if anyone has one that can explain how to
run the new lines, or better yet a pic.
any help at all will be great.


burritobandit - 25-2-2009 at 04:03 PM

Can you post a pic of what you've got? Maybe we could help figure it out based on what we see..

WolfWolfee - 25-2-2009 at 04:57 PM

I would cruise the Nash web site, best option or e-mail them.