Power Kite Forum

Flysurfer Psycho 4 12

bloah - 2-3-2009 at 08:16 PM

So I got the psycho 4 12 m, which replaced my pulse 12 m.
I felt like it was time to move to more advanced kite.

Didn't fly the kite yet, but I like the look of new bar and also like the new stiffened bridles. Am going to go for a flight tommorow morning hopefully.

More review to come!

SecondWind - 2-3-2009 at 09:03 PM

Sounds good - let us know how it goes!

DenisLaMenace - 3-3-2009 at 12:22 PM

did you buy new ?

bloah - 3-3-2009 at 01:42 PM

nope, I bought it for 350$ CAN, in exchange for my old 12 m pulse 2. (Like new, used 6 times. psycho 4)

I flew Psycho 4 today in the morning. Here's what I noticed.

- very smooth control, love the infinity bar
- tips curl in low winds
- not as stable as pulse
- harder to relunch
- not as much grunt as P2
- liftier
- turns fast but requires to be depowered more to get all the turning speed in contrast two P2

am yet to fly in good winds ,... more to come

DenisLaMenace - 3-3-2009 at 02:00 PM

good stuff

- tips curl in low winds

set mixer to B -3 and B -1.5
will reduce tip curl, and less backstall too. not yet tested

- not as stable as pulse
- harder to relunch
- not as much grunt as P2
- liftier

normal and predictable, that is because higher aspect ratio

- turns fast but requires to be depowered more to get all the turning speed in contrast two P2

not sure, may be in light winds, but in normal winds, turn fast all the time

nwsurfwakeskate - 3-3-2009 at 05:23 PM

yeah I've been noticing its difficult to send my 15m because you have to depower to get the turning speed up. maybe I'm just not doing it right but so far it has been more difficult to get vertical lift out of it then with my old Pulse 2 12m. I've only ridden behind it twice and both times I was very well powered so I'm hoping its just a learning curve and not a design flaw

bloah - 12-4-2009 at 10:03 AM

had it out in the water for the first time yesterday.

Wind was avaraging 20 knots, gusting 30. I depower strip was pulled all the way in. If it wasn't, it was impossible to go upwind as the kite pulled downwind like crazy.

Also I had the chamber close for maximum depower. What is interesting about the chamber, is when it is closed, and I pull the bar all the way in, or power up the kite, the kite stalls. It doesn't happen with chamber open.

The kite is awesome in waves, very stable and predictable. when gust hit, let go of bar, and it handles its perfectly.

I am going to say that it handles gusts better then pulse 2 12 meter. I say so because, during gusts, pulse 2 12 still has to much pull, even when the bar is #@%$#!ted out. On contrary Psycho 4, has dramatically less pull, when #@%$#!ted out. I don't slide downwind as much as with pulse 2

Oh boy, this kite can jump. It justs boosts you so high, so fast, and when you redirect it properly, its slowly glides you back to water. Only thing, that kite is so damn fast, It took some time to get used to it, so I don't overfly it. The kite overflew me several times, but i steered it to the edge and it was all good.

Love the soft bar pressure and the smooth depower feeling. Way better then pulse 2.

Comparison to Peter Lynn 10:
I was also flying Vernom 10 yesterday in same conditions. Was able to keep up upwind with park and ride on 21 meter lines. The kite is not as fast IMHO as psycho 4. I say so because, when you turn the kite, it slows down dramatically, but after turn its speeds up..
Venom is much more stable, and laid back kite. For some reason auto zenith didn't work yesterday at all, maybe something to do with the new bar, maybe some lines are shorter/longer.

In sum:
In the begining psycho 4 scared the #@%$#! out of me. It was very aggressive, and first few jumps were way higher then I expected. I wanted my pulse 2 12 back, which was my friend (new owner) flying it. But by the end of the session I got much more comfortable with it. The wind has dropped to around 20 knots avarage with almost no gusts, so it was just perfect. Nice big waves, and nice floaty jumps.

I love it

nwsurfwakeskate - 12-4-2009 at 01:38 PM

I flew my 10m P4 for the first time yesterday. simply awesome!

jumps way easier then the 15m.

I think I need to shorten my mains on both the 15m and 10m though because they both backstall and slow down so much they actually create less power if I don't keep them near to fully trimmed in/depowered (red strap pulled)

DenisLaMenace - 13-4-2009 at 07:03 AM

Good review bloah

2-3 more sessions, you wont go back to Pu2.

You were probably overpowered in the gusts, and this is why you could not ride upwind. Otherwise steer the kite higer, slow down your speed and you will.

I also prefer my 10m over the 15m, just my best all-around for anything above 18knots. I wish I had a 12m too. I also prefer jumping with the P4, much easier to redirect than the speed.

PHREERIDER - 13-4-2009 at 12:26 PM

V10 could do better with 27-30m lines, short lines should have made it pretty quick, check the front leader length 21'

bloah - 15-6-2009 at 03:35 PM

Discovered a Low End on Psycho 4 12.

Spleene door 59 staying Upwind in 8-9 Knots. 150 pounds.
Choppy, 25 degrees.

nwsurfwakeskate - 15-6-2009 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by bloah
Discovered a Low End on Psycho 4 12.

Spleene door 59 staying Upwind in 8-9 Knots. 150 pounds.
Choppy, 25 degrees.

that's pretty impressive. I can't go that low on my 15m PS4 but I'm on a smaller board then you (132 Len10 Lunacy)

how much do you weigh? whats your mixer set at?