Power Kite Forum

nuts and bolts

scott laney - 18-12-2004 at 11:44 AM

a crappy machine job did less than a sub par job on my rails. the holes for the supporting bolts don't line up and the axles are anything but perpindicular to the rails. Needless to say, I'm going to have to try again. It'll be fun seeing if they will give me a refund for the labor they did, I'm sure they'll put up a stupid fight. although the guy who helped me liked the idea a lot.

nonetheless I've gotten recommendations to a new machine shop. Price = $1.61 for a 3/8" x 1" x 26" rail (minus labor costs of drilling) so it's much cheaper than mcmasters.

my last question(s) is this...

How long are the bolts you use? I find six inch bolts to be obnoxiously long and am cotemplating a 4" 4.5" or 5"

I'd like to get grade 5 or grade 8 bolts. I've heard good things about both. recommendations?

as for spacers, I have 1/4" aluminum for the inside to the boot, cut aluminum to support the inside of the rails (but contemplating using two bolts instead)

how long do you recommend spacing the outside rail from the skate chassis. (I also know to take into consideration that this will change the length of the bolts you choose to use)

lastly, mr doomwheels, I appreciate the timeliness of your responses. I'm so damn eager to get these things done and it's nice to get answers.


doomwheels - 20-12-2004 at 05:41 AM

How long are the bolts you use?
The wheel hub sets the distance between the skate rails and thus the bolt lengths. They only need to be long enough to pass through both rails (with wheels mounted) and still get a nut on the end.
I'd like to get grade 5 or grade 8 bolts. I've heard good things about both. recommendations?
With two 1/2 inch axle bolts and four 3/8 inch boot support bolts, quality is not a huge concern here. Just use something that will resist rusting. Anything more is a bonus.
...contemplating using two bolts instead...
Don't recommend it. I think you'll loose a lot of boot support.
how long do you recommend spacing the outside rail from the skate chassis.
I place a 1/4 inch spacer between the inside rail and the inside skate track. The outer spacers need to be long enough to fill the left over space from the outside skate track to the outside rail. The inside spacer measurement is more important.

The images linked below are closeup shots of my oldest skates (14+ years old).

#1. The underside showing all the spacers and bolts (note cut PVC spacers):

#2. Outer skate rail showing the ends of the boot support bolts/nuts:

#3. Inner skate rail also showing the axel bolt/nut:

Happy to help! Keep the questions coming of you have more. This will certainly help others in the future.

I plan to rewrite the Doomwheels building instructions in the future using these and other new images plus more details regarding hardware. I suppose I'll get to it right after I finish my electro-magnitizing-slantskip-melectular-image-expander thing I've been working on. :D

Thanks for the pics

wzrd - 21-12-2004 at 12:34 PM

These pix are excellent. they really help in the building process.