Power Kite Forum

Fabricating Wheels of doom ?

BUCKAROO - 18-3-2009 at 10:23 AM

I found this site 3 years ago when I started kiting and thought the wheels of doom looked dangerous ,so I did not build them . This year I made huge advancements in my snow kiting and because my snow kiting season just got over unless we get more snow I am back looking at making a set. I made the first side to work out any problems I have a question about the weight and leverage on the ankle, is this a problem ? Because I live in Minnesota and have ski boots I was wondering if anyone has ever mounted ski boots and bindings on wheels of doom ? The only problems are that the wheel base would get 10" longer and the boots would be warm, but may save the ankle. Any comments ?

Bladerunner - 18-3-2009 at 01:51 PM

Hey there Buckaroo!

Welcome to the site. I was worried about the long wheel base on doom wheels as well. From what I understand weight is not a big issue. I would consider bindings if I was building a set myself.

I chose to pick up a set of Coyote rollerblades by Rollerblade and have never looked back ! They are extremely well made and sell pretty cheap on Ebay. The trick is watching for your size.

By the time you have bought all the parts and put them together you are as cheap buying Coyotes. I like mine so much I bought a second set so I won't be without!

The shorter wheel base on the Coyotes makes carving turns + scrubbing off speed possible. Not so much on doom wheels. The Coyotes are a real close cross over from Skis with a kite! I would only look to doom wheels for speeds above 40mph. Up to that I think I prefer Coyotes?

I have a set of Size 8's for sale ?

Let us know how it works out!

doomwheels - 19-3-2009 at 12:18 AM

Whether using WOD or Coyotes, I do not recommend release bindings. First off, they make the wheelbase even longer. Secondly, while skating a hard line upwind, you may exert a lot of sideways pressure to the heel of toe of the skate against the pull of the kite. This sideways force is exactly what triggers a binding to release. Wouldn't want that to happen at full speed.

I have fallen plenty of times but never in a manner that twists the knee or ankle. Each time I land on my ass cheek leaving a nice raspberry. However, do be sure to use hard plastic boots that come up high enough to support the ankle. Also be very sure to offset the skate boots fully against the inside rail. This further stabilizes the ankle.

Additionally, unless you are planning on jumping a lot, I would not worry about weight. Weight equals speed. For reference, my skates together weight about 35 lbs.

Regarding WOD vs. Coyotes... both have merits. Coyotes are more agile and good for jumping. WOD are intended for high speed, wide spaces and rough terrain providing a smooth ride and ability to comfortably use a larger kite. I use both depending on the area and my mood (though admittedly prefer WOD).

Welcome to kiteskating!