Power Kite Forum

Ozone Turbo Bar - For Fixed Bridle Kites

kiteNH - 19-3-2009 at 07:01 AM

Very interesting. Looks like an all new bar design for fixed bridles, not just Ozone's take on a crossover bar. I can't quite figure this thing out.

The all new Ozone Turbo Bar is designed to work on any 4 Line fix bridle line kite. For kites that are usually flown on 4-Line Handles, the Turbo Bar works in perfect harmony and with full control. The turning speed increases radically while you’re also able to pull the brakes generating more power from the kite. Ideal for landboarders, snowkiters and buggiers who love both speed and control. Freestyle buggiers and landboarders love the Turbo bar as the increase in turning velocity matches the constant control over the kite in jumps.

Supercharge your 4 Line Fix bridle line kite with the Ozone Turbo Bar!


- 54 cm bar length

- Megatron Chickenloop with top spinning Handle to untwist your front lines after rotations or bar spins

- Easy to land brake handle

- Leashless Re-ride safety system

- Back line trimmers – to fine trim while flying

- Depower function through the brake lines

- High Quality stainless Ronstan pulleys

- Works on any brand 4 Line fix bridle line kite

PHREERIDER - 19-3-2009 at 07:17 AM

what would be a hot FB kite to put on that? def looks like brake feed is there

macboy - 19-3-2009 at 08:27 AM

I assume since the brake strap is across the outer lines that it hooks up just like a depower rig too? That means the turning is mostly through the brake lines which is awesome!

f0rgiv3n - 19-3-2009 at 08:35 AM

intriguing... makes me want to try that out. I bet it's spendy :duh:

archkiter - 19-3-2009 at 12:16 PM

bares a little bit of resemblance to this setup I tried a long time ago on my Bego...

revpaul - 19-3-2009 at 02:53 PM

burritobandit is selling a SamiII. it's bar has trim to adjust amount of slack going to brake lines. it's not a x-over though.
i'm guessing (from image) that the trim, on the new turbo x-over bar, will trim the leading edge. looks like cool piece of kit and i'm no fan of FBs on bars. i'd like to try one out.

bigben91682 - 19-3-2009 at 05:49 PM

That thing does look sweet, lot of hardware though, it wouldn't suprise me if that gets in the price range of depower bars.

lad - 19-3-2009 at 08:20 PM

I believe I'm salivating...:rolleyes:

kiteNH - 20-3-2009 at 05:36 AM

Originally posted by bigben91682
That thing does look sweet, lot of hardware though, it wouldn't suprise me if that gets in the price range of depower bars.

I bet it costs about the same as a depower bar. No clamcleat but 3 pulleys. I wonder how one of these flies compared to a regular bar or a crossover bar and whether you can actually get a depower feel from it.

B-Roc - 20-3-2009 at 06:03 AM

Originally posted by archkiter
bares a little bit of resemblance to this setup I tried a long time ago on my Bego...

It sure does bare a bit of a resemblance. How'd you like your set up on your bego?

archkiter - 20-3-2009 at 12:46 PM

Originally posted by B-Roc
It sure does bare a bit of a resemblance. How'd you like your set up on your bego?

Well it was several years ago so it is kinda hard to remember the specifics.. Mostly a just a silly type of project. The kite flew pretty well after a lot of tuning to get it to fly. It totally killed the bottom end of the kite which as you know is one of the really great things with Bego's on handles. It did increase the top end though too. While it was a fun project, ultimately I just went back to handles cause they just made the kite feel more solid.

*back on topic...

When is it coming out

Lanbro - 28-3-2009 at 08:45 AM

When is it due out? Can't wait to fly a few of my fixed bridle kites like a B3 10m or 4.9m..

bigben91682 - 28-3-2009 at 11:34 AM


they seem to have it in stock....price is right up there!

kiteNH - 28-3-2009 at 01:07 PM

Wow, at the current conversion rates that's $235. That's even a little more than I would have guessed. I'd like to try one out but it would have to really transform the flight of a fixed bridle kite to be worth that kind of dough.

Hopefully someone will get to try one and post up a review. Mostly I'm just curious about how they work.

bigben91682 - 28-3-2009 at 01:33 PM

I think the conversion is favorable for the usd right now as well, so US msrp may be even higher, something like $250-270. I agree though, for that kinda cash it better turn my FB's into depowers.

beachrights - 29-3-2009 at 01:31 PM

Looks like KiteNH beat me to posting this bar! I saw it online on Thurs and have been gone for the weekend and was going to put it on this site today!

I was thinking of trying to make it on my own- I have a 4 liner Flexi bar that I never use so nows the time to give it a go! From the picture that I have it looks pretty straight forward- just a lot of tuning to get it right!

useful new Turbo Bar links and info

lad - 13-4-2009 at 08:45 AM

turbo manual

turbo review w/ pix

kitedemon - 14-4-2009 at 08:10 AM

It is listed on ozone's web site at 113 euro.


I was quoted close to that converted here in Canada. I don't know if I can get it for that yet...

Looking_Up - 14-4-2009 at 08:46 AM

:tumble: are u getting one i wan't one bad

what is the conversion to us dollars from euro's:D

kitedemon - 14-4-2009 at 04:35 PM

I think so, the local shop is still checking on the price, the first quote was low and they think a mistake has been made. The conversion is about 180 cad The orginal quote was less than that but it looks like it will be more. :(

Lanbro - 17-4-2009 at 08:31 AM

I purchased it..costs $178 usd including shipping. It will be shipped on 4/21/09. When I get it I will try it with my B3 4.9m and my B3 10.5m..I'll let you know. I have been hearing that it increases the speed of the kite but doesnt affect the depower. I am buying it for the depower option truly..I will post some news when I get it.

Lanbro - 17-4-2009 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Lanbro
I purchased it..costs $178 usd including shipping. It will be shipped on 4/21/09. When I get it I will try it with my B3 4.9m and my B3 10.5m..I'll let you know. I have been hearing that it increases the speed of the kite but doesnt affect the depower. I am buying it for the depower option truly..I will post some news when I get it.

lad - 17-4-2009 at 10:38 AM

I wonder if the turbo bar would have the opposite depower effect on a nasawing?

bigben91682 - 17-4-2009 at 06:40 PM

Lanbro, do you mind if I ask where you found it for $178?

Lanbro - 18-4-2009 at 04:29 AM

Directly from OZONE website...

lad - 20-4-2009 at 11:36 AM

I would be interested to know if this really can turn an FB kite faster than handles, and if there is anything resembling a depower function at all (there was some skepticism in a UK forum). If it could do both of these, then I'd get one for my Beamer.

Lanbro - 20-4-2009 at 01:13 PM

I believe it is to be shipped on 4/21/09. I will let you know if it speeds up the kite and if it de-powers..I am really interested in the latter, as I have the following:

10.5M B3
4.9M B3
5.5M Bullet

if they can de-power, even a little it would be worth it..

kitedemon - 21-4-2009 at 01:01 PM

I almost get the de-power aspect it is just the same as putting more pressure on the breaks of the kite but not a true aoa adjustment at all. I don't have one but am going to buy one. I have been using a homemade crossover bar for some time (I have had nerve issues using handles :no:) I have been using it on my Race kites and pkd's. The bar does when tuned correctly turn very quickly. I would say the same as handles I found in my case that I don't have to put quite the same effort to turn the kite (I think it is more leverage but it maybe in my head hard to tell) I am guessing that the turbo bar will be similar.

lad - 21-4-2009 at 04:24 PM

I like the visceral feel and control of handles. But I have some bad knuckles and using a responsive bar for everything looks more and more attractive now.

Daaf - 22-4-2009 at 03:44 AM

Nice to see the Pkd Twisterbar in a newer version.
Congratz to Ozone for taking it into a new jacket.

bobalooie57 - 22-4-2009 at 06:05 AM

:eekdrull: good one daaf!

Looking_Up - 27-4-2009 at 12:38 PM

:puzzled: so did it arrive does it work Give us the skinny man:karate:

lad - 27-4-2009 at 05:17 PM

Is there any "crossover" in concepts between this and the crossover bar thread
canadian crossover bar on ebay

Lanbro - 28-4-2009 at 11:27 AM

I got an email yesterday...Its coming from Thailand with an estimated arrival date of May1..this weekend I guess

kitedemon - 29-4-2009 at 09:02 AM

Mine is on order... they are telling me 2 weeks :-(

Lanbro - 30-4-2009 at 02:16 PM

Wife told me that it came today...I will fly it Saturday since tomorrows forecast is for thunderstoms...I will post Saturday night..

I did take about 1.5 weeks....

Todd - 4-5-2009 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Lanbro
Wife told me that it came today...I will fly it Saturday since tomorrows forecast is for thunderstoms...I will post Saturday night..

I did take about 1.5 weeks....

Well, how did it go? We got rained out this weekend but sure would enjoy hearing how that bar worked for you.

Lanbro - 4-5-2009 at 12:34 PM

I'm in NJ and rained out all weekend as well...thunderstorms...still raining today...

f0rgiv3n - 6-5-2009 at 02:13 PM


bigben91682 - 6-5-2009 at 03:57 PM

This thing is getting harder and harder not to buy. I wish somebody in the states stocked it to avoid the shipping hassle....

lad - 6-5-2009 at 06:31 PM

f0rgiv3n - thanx for the racekites review link...
actually, NO thanks...it looks like another suction hose is headed towards the wallet :sniff:
I'm wondering if the Pkd Twisterbar or even that homemade eBay crossover bar can compare?

(some select review snippets below):

"...I can only say that I've not seen my Flow fly as fast and precise on handles before today...When Ozone say "Supercharge your fixed bridle kite" they mean it!!! I'm finding it hard to believe the difference the Turbo bar makes...In low winds on handles the 4m Flow can be a bit of a slouch, taking it's time to travel across the window...Not on the bar though,It's like having a new kite all over again!!! Soooo much quicker and more responsive with what seems like heaps more pulling power...Turns out we both said at exactly the same time " I don't think I'm gonna be using handles again!"

indigo_wolf - 7-5-2009 at 06:17 AM

No, Lad..... Don't look into the light :no: ;)

Couldn't you just have one of the US authorized Ozone dealers piggyback the Turbo Bar on one of their regular/periodic orders?

I've done that with a few Flexifoil items. Basically made a laundry list from the FF site and placed the order locally. He receives Flexifoil shipments once or twice a week, by 2nd Day Air from UK. Worked out pretty well. Any slow down is if there is a backlog on the other side of the pond.


lad - 7-5-2009 at 07:36 AM

According to the linked Turbo Bar review, and other conjectures here (and elsewhere):

Pull Turbo Bar in while static flying = slow/power down (brakes..."depower")
Pull Turbo Bar in while mobile = speed/power up (brake tweak, power-up)

f0rgiv3n - 7-5-2009 at 07:51 AM

Seems to me just like a depower kite?

lad - 7-5-2009 at 08:14 AM

"Seems to me just like a depower kite? "

That seems to be the debate - and most will say something like it's not really depower, more like de-brake. The advertised "depower" is simply the power-line safety release.

f0rgiv3n - 7-5-2009 at 08:17 AM

Right... I was just basing that statement off of:
Pull Turbo Bar in while static flying = slow/power down (brakes..."depower")
Pull Turbo Bar in while mobile = speed/power up (brake tweak, power-up)

Personally, I don't care if it's brake or if it's actually "depowering" the kite but what matters is the end effect on the kite :D. If it's speeding/powering up when you're moving and slowing down when you're sitting there static, it seems like it's got some "depower" characteristics.

What an interesting setup to try. :) Just that review even makes me want to get one! And I only have 1 fixed bridal kite !LOL!

rdavis - 7-5-2009 at 09:47 AM

Man, why did I read this thread? Now i'm getting curious. If you pick one of these up lad, we'll have to get together so I can check it out (and vice versa if I pick one up).

lad - 7-5-2009 at 10:04 AM

I think my wind budget's been impacted too much recently.
I'm kind'a hoping Landro is coming to Wildwood and brings his along! :smug:

bigben91682 - 10-5-2009 at 01:53 PM

I went to get one of these from Ozone and on the order page it says the only payment method available is HSBC, and no place to put in any payment information. For those that got one, was this the case and if so how did you order it and more importantly how did you pay for it?

bigben91682 - 12-5-2009 at 03:56 PM

Just ordered one from Cobra kites. It was just slightly more expensive than the ozone site but I'm happy to pay a little more for a domestic seller. Plus their customer service (so far) has been top notch since the bar wasn't listed on their site.

Can't wait to give it a go with the Rages.....

Looking_Up - 24-5-2009 at 03:16 PM

:cool2: bump

still eager to hear how this performes

kitedemon - 24-5-2009 at 08:10 PM

Hey All,
OK I have been using mine new turbo bar for ummm about 10 hours of use so far yes I love it Yes I think it is totally worth that cash! I know this doesn't help so I'll explain.

I have been using a home build cross over bar your years. Standard stuff here a best chicken loop flexi bar and ronstan pulleys at the corners of the bar. A line across the break leaders, which once thu the pulleys are attached to the power lines. It works well, I have about 4 settings for different kites. My cooper race kite does fairly well but to keep the kite in control there has to be some break pressure. This slows the kite down some. This bar in parts well I bought the best bar for a best kite but took the second chicken loop off and used it so.. 25 bucks say. The ronstan pulleys about 25 as well with tax. 10 for leader line (spectra) and 75 for the bar. Then about 30 for some other bits and a failed (broken) try. We are into 165 for the crossover bar.

The Ozone Turbo bar, was about 220 so 55 in the difference. Oh but the megatron Chicken loop is SO much better and safer! There are 3 pulleys, not 2. The bar is much better as well, more refined. There is also a 'red hat' safety release as well. All that for 55 bucks yup it is worth it.

What does it do. Well it DOES NOT ACT LIKE A DE-POWER system, well not really. It is just the same as applying some break pressure to handles, hmm try this, flying with the breaks lines a bit tight. The Razor like the breaks a bit tight. That bit of tension keeps the wind window a bit smaller and the kite a bit slower so on most points this is the way I used it, but for beating upwind. I have Carpal tunnel and keeping pressure on my wrists like that means numb fingers. The Turbo bar you just sheet the bar in like a de-power system and the breaks lines tighten producing a bit more grunt and less speed and smaller wind window ease it out and the breaks go slack and zip the kite takes off and flys faster with a bit less grunt and a wider wind window. In my case with out having much pressure on my wrists at all!

So lets go back to my Cooper, I had the break lines when using handles set with out much slack as this kite seemed to handle better that way to get the breaks slack I had to hold the handles so they pointed towards the kite a fair bit. And to land the kite in any more than a light wind took a bit of a pull on the breaks lines. The Turbo bar I have set so with the bar full toward the kite the break lines are loose quite loose the bar about a third toward me is about the 'normal handle' position or where the old made cross over bar was set. The bar fully in the kite is on the edge of back stalling and has lost much speed and power in light wind it does backstall. The upshot of all that is I have as much control with this bar as I did with handles. The Bar carries all the force on the harness, not my arms. There is a bit more bar pressure than my access have but not much. I feel much more confident the safety features of the bar than I do in my strop line system I have been using that when used sends a hunk of metal screaming under my nose.

The kite acts a bit like a de-power system in that the wind window expands and contracts and flight speed changes too. The wind window is fairly noticeable and speed is dramatic. The power isn't as much. Exactly as handles are so if you can say handles as you increase the break input powers and de-powers a kite I guess you can say that for the Turbo bar.

Incidentally the cooper 4.4 will turn so fast on the turbo bar that when doing loops one wing tip seems to be stationary. I have never managed to do that with handles and this kite it produces so much power in a loop that I can't keep up the break line tension and loose that sweet spot. The Turbo bar I did 5 one way in a row with out stopping then a quick reverse and 5 out the other way The spinning bar is also really nice to have.

I love the bar I thought it is totally worth the cash and solved MY troubles with handles. I can't say if any one else will find it the same as I do however some I am sure will say that 220 for the same control as a good set of handles and a well tuned strop is a debatable point I guess.

kitedemon - 24-5-2009 at 08:11 PM

Ozone turbo bar breaks loose.

DSC_4839.jpg - 36kB

kitedemon - 24-5-2009 at 08:13 PM

Turbo breaks pulled tight. By the way... This is with a Cooper 4.4 in 13 knots offshore using finger tips to control the kite. I can't do that with handles! :wee:

DSC_4845.jpg - 38kB

kitedemon - 24-5-2009 at 08:21 PM

Oh this is my old homemade crossover bar version one and my girlfriend flying...

0806_D50_4789.jpg - 88kB

lad - 24-5-2009 at 09:31 PM

Thanx! Great review!
I'm in a quandary... :puzzled:
Like you, I have some medical conditions that using handles can aggravate.
But part of the appeal is the sheer workout I can get with handles.

If I convert all to effective, precise control bars or depowers...then my "kiting technique" be out of excuses. :embarrased:

kitedemon - 25-5-2009 at 04:17 AM

Blame the wind. :dunno: The workout is similar but is more core, not so much on the arms.

Looking_Up - 25-5-2009 at 06:26 AM

:ninja: eggselant reveiw

now all i have to do is convince the wife that A. we can afford this and B I will have to get two one for me and one for her

wish me luck:puzzled:

bigben91682 - 25-5-2009 at 02:10 PM

I got the bar about a week ago and have only managed to make it out once, but i flew it with my Rage 4.7 in 10-12 mph.

I agree with Kitedemon's review, great piece of kit. Not only does the kite turn faster, but it's more precise turning than with handles, which is difficult to explain without actually trying it. Since the power and breakes are more balanced on this bar (than handles), the kite handles with unreal precision.

Turning speed is easily as good as handles I actually think it's better. I was able to do pin-wheel turns (turning on the central, zero degree turn if you will) with the rage on the bar that are very tricky with handles (takes some good fore-arm strength in any decent wind).

I found it to have a slight 'depower' quality to it, but certainly not to the extent of a dynamic bridle. More-so than with handles though. I expect the effect will be magnified a bit once i get in the buggy with it (the only flying I've done with the bar was static, to many 'innocent' bystandards to get the buggy out.....)

Build quality is top notch. It's heavy duty in all respects but manages to be fairly light weight. One tiny little design thing that I really liked....retractable line keepers! Nice! (I don't have any other ozone kites so this may not be a big deal to other who fly ozone regurlarly...:dunno:)

Either way, it's a fair chunk of cash to part with for a bar, but I'm happy I did. Worth the money after just one flight.

lad - 25-5-2009 at 03:49 PM

Another sparkling review...maybe I now need to stop visiting this thread...I'm starting to feel like a guilty Starbucks customer chancing upon a Meth Lab...:smilegrin:

lad - 28-5-2009 at 09:07 PM

Ozone site now has them for 114 Euros - that's about $155 (not including shipping)

John Holgate - 9-6-2009 at 03:05 AM

Probably like a lot of people, I heard about the turbo bar, googled it and ended up here. A very informative thread that answered most of my questions - thanks to all. I made a pretty agricultural version of the turbo bar and flew it with a 2m beamer and 2.5m quattro and I must say I'll be doing most of my flying with it from now on. The pulleys on the brake lines reduce the amount of effort needed to steer. I've got mine setup so that when the bar is closest to the kite there is no pressure on the brake lines - the kites fly faster and tend not to stall in lighter winds, with the bar pulled back a third there becomes noticable pressure on the brake lines which in turn slows the kite slightly but provided more power and it turns quicker too. Pull the bar all the way back and down she comes. I think the word 'depower' probably shouldn't be used with the turbo bar, but having said that, it does give superb control of the brake lines and nearly all the control of handles with the advantages of flying with a bar. I think it would be a darn good investment. There's a video of me using it on 'Vimeo' - just search for 'John Holgate'. the Quattro 2.5 flies superbly on the bar. The beamer IV even better. - John Ps: if your having a look at the video, remember I said 'agricultural'!!

lad - 9-6-2009 at 07:06 AM

The Holgate video is here

Looks like a nice bit of control!

rdavis - 9-6-2009 at 08:59 AM

Has anyone found a place here in the states that has these? Somebody mentioned Cobra Kites in Jersey, but I don't see it on their website, or any other Ozone dealer's site for that matter.

acampbell - 9-6-2009 at 09:15 AM

They are on the way to the US distributor, last I heard. I'll try and get more intel.

rdavis - 9-6-2009 at 10:11 AM

Sweet! Thanks Angus!

kiteNH - 9-6-2009 at 11:04 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
They are on the way to the US distributor, last I heard. I'll try and get more intel.

Angus are you dealing with Ozone now? I thought they had some B&M policy or something like that. Nice pick-up by Ozone if they've got you on board. :thumbup:

I hope they've got a big batch of these bars on the way. Seems like there is some pent up demand.

acampbell - 9-6-2009 at 11:26 AM

Yes. They still have the B&M policy, but because I have a business license to conduct commerce on Jekyll Island Beach, that qualifies me based on an existing precedent they (the US distributor) have with their own kite school and Utah Parks Dept.

I have an e-mail in to them now about the bars

nhlrule56 - 9-6-2009 at 12:35 PM

I heard rumor that the bars were due in at the US Distributor last week (Florida?). I ordered mine through Candy and Kites (David Love 707-875-3777) last Thu; I have not heard ETA. It is not listed on their web site, but I was able to call and order one. They are located in Bodega Bay, CA. The cost was $185 which I believe to be retail. I looked everywhere online and could not find anything with a price to compare it against.

Cannot wait to try it!!!

acampbell - 9-6-2009 at 12:43 PM

Windzup, the Ozone distributor in Utah, is getting just a few in maybe next week and I put my name on one if anyone wants.

bigben91682 - 9-6-2009 at 02:39 PM

I got mine from cobra kites, I emailed and requested it, it wasn't on their site. It was $189 plus a little shipping, which is a little more than buying it direct from ozone, but I like supporting a small US business, and I like the idea of domestic support in case I needed to return.

Cobra was top notch, good customer service.

Had a couple more flights on the turbo bar and still lovin it. I may be done with handles.....

kiteNH - 9-6-2009 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by bigben91682
I got mine from cobra kites, I emailed and requested it, it wasn't on their site. It was $189 plus a little shipping, which is a little more than buying it direct from ozone, but I like supporting a small US business, and I like the idea of domestic support in case I needed to return.

Cobra was top notch, good customer service.

Had a couple more flights on the turbo bar and still lovin it. I may be done with handles.....

I think Cobra may be out of NY so its a local shop for you too. Can't beat that.

rdavis - 16-6-2009 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
They are on the way to the US distributor, last I heard. I'll try and get more intel.

Anymore news on this? Just curious, especially as to price, so I can save my pennies.:roll:

acampbell - 16-6-2009 at 10:00 AM

They are still due to arrive in the US this week. Just a few and I will be getting two.

nhlrule56 - 16-6-2009 at 04:29 PM

Hey Angus, if you get two and my order is bumped (ordered from local Bodega Bay) I am going to be sad. :no:

Share the love, don't be greedy. :bigok:

I cannot wait to try it out. Should be arriving just in time for vacation!!!

edk442 - 27-6-2009 at 06:33 PM

the instructions that came with my Twister II advise applying the brakes for a tighter turn, but the turbo bar seems to be setup to use the brake lines and th primary turn initiator???? what is the advantage of using the brake lines to steer?seems backwards to me...

acampbell - 13-7-2009 at 10:25 AM

So I finally got a hold of one of these to satisfy my curiosity. It essentially answers the question of what would happen if you flew a fixed-bridle kite on a de-power bar (and hooked it up like a de-power with the brake lines to the outside of the bar). The big difference is the pulley system that greatly amplifies the brake inputs - seemingly more than a standard dross-over bar.

I put it to the test by rigging it to my Peter Lynn Reactor, a kite that really requires precise brake control to fly right. I launched with a tug on the center lines and immediately found myself feeling for the right bar position to get the kite to accelerate at all. I had to land and tighten up the brakes by moving them in one knot and using the little adjuster straps on the outside lines. I relaunched and the kite took off with good acceleration.

Turns are something else. Never mind turning on a wing tip; the kite would pivot on the bridle toggle and the inside wingtips would luff because they were essentially flying backwards in the fast turn. Coming out of turns I found myself groping for the right bar position to get the kite to accelerate and I luffed it a few times. Once settled on a reach in the bug, it was a delight to fly with but a few fingertips on the bar.

Another thing I noted right away was that, even withe weight of the pulleys way out from the bar, there was no sagging of the control bar bridles as can happen with some cross-over rigs, and this was in light 5-9 mph wind. The rig is lightweight, efficient and ingenious. One odd behavior however is that when you tensioned one brake, the other brake line would sag WAY out behind the kite as if it were a foot too long. It's not clear to me yet if this was an error in adjustment or a lack of practice with the bar. More time will tell.

Yesterday I had a limited time to spend in the session and a nice off shore breeze to enjoy so I quickly lost my patience and bailed back to the handles. I'll try it another time for sure and with other kites. Clearly, flying a front-line biased kite would be a no brainer with this bar and a lot of fun. It's nice to hot launch and race to the zenith and be able to pull in on the bar to tap the brakes before over-flying.

The primary safety reminds me of the HQ de-power safety and that is no surprise considering the HQ rig has Ozone lineage. When you pop the safety it will not flag the kite, but just dump the front lines enough to stall it. Ozone mentions the optional use of a safety leash to the landing handle and this is the only way to flag the kite (by popping the safety on the chicken loop), same as HQ's.

So in the end, it is indeed possible to fly a brake-line biased kite on this bar, but it takes some practice and tuning to get it right. I'll let you know how it goes on future sessions.

nhlrule56 - 13-7-2009 at 02:56 PM

Angus - Great write up.

I received my Turbo bar last Thu and was able to try it out on a few kites Friday. The bar is very well built and setup was a snap. First I tried it out on a Flexifoil 7m Bullet. Had the same issues with adjusting the brakes. Switching knots and tightening the straps did fix the problem. The turns are very fast with the bar. I redirected the kite and it reacted so fast I tripped and landed on my face. Other than whiplash the only thing I hurt was my pride as I caught a few laughs from spectators. I then tried the kite on a Ozone Cult 4.5m and still had a great experience. I am looking forward to getting some more time on the bar and sitting down in the buggie. There was someone on the beach that setup right in the middle with a single liner and about 500,000 feet of line cutting the beach in half. We just scudded and jumped. Wind was just over 16 knots at the beach.

lad - 13-7-2009 at 03:50 PM

"There was someone on the beach that setup right in the middle with a single liner and about 500,000 feet of line cutting the beach in half."

Kevlar...Manjha....choose one!:rolleyes:

Scanman - 21-7-2009 at 03:07 PM

Just got this bar and hooked it up to my 6m Samurai. Flys like a new kite! The quality and feel of the bar setup is awesome. I especially like the Megatron CL and the solid feel of the bar. Definately a good upgrade.

soccerflyer - 24-7-2009 at 01:10 PM

Man, this bar looks awesome!! Is it all that and a bag of chips? My guess is some kites it works great with and some not so much. Now that you guys have had one for a while - what do you think? :puzzled:

Sounds like it has quite a bit of break pull while flying which is why it turns so fast. I am trying to design a bar for my Ace 5M. It doesn't like very much break input at all. I had to let them WAY out just to get it to come off of the ground.

I wonder can it be adjusted so that it still works basically the same, but with a lighter break input? :eureka:

I am thinking it would work good for the higher wind days. Would that be a good assumpion?

indigo_wolf - 24-7-2009 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by soccerflyer
I wonder can it be adjusted so that it still works basically the same, but with a lighter break input?

Angus should be able to confirm, but I believe that is what the trim adjustment (3) is for.


acampbell - 24-7-2009 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by soccerflyer

I wonder can it be adjusted so that it still works basically the same, but with a lighter break input? :eureka:

You are still going to get the amplified brake inputs but you can slack the brake lines to reduce the impact to an extent, but things get mushy.


I am thinking it would work good for the higher wind days. Would that be a good assumpion?

Ummm yeah, but the nice thin about the amplified brake inputs is that it will let you fly in lighter air where you would otherwise want the brake inputs from handles

soccerflyer - 24-7-2009 at 02:40 PM

So how does everyone like this bar after using for a while? Is it just another bar?

Jovver - 16-9-2009 at 10:47 AM

So I am extremely curious about this bar, especially since there is one for sale on the forum. All the info on this thread is great, but I have one more question. I know it is intended for fixed bridle kites, but would it also work as a depower bar on a depower kite?

soccerflyer - 16-9-2009 at 10:53 AM

First of all if this is the one you see that is for sale . . . . . http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=10834 . . . it is actually NOT for sale. The meany flagged it out there for us to salivate over and then snatched it back. :eekdrull: :moon: :P

Edit: Sorry I am retarted. I don't score very well on reading comprehension . . . . {{blushes}} But good question. I would be interested as well how it works on a depower kite.

But it still is a really cool looking bar and I want to try one!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a vid I found to wet your appetite --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn29IP_hCgQ

Jovver - 16-9-2009 at 10:58 AM

Wow that's so lame that he's not selling it anymore... what a tease. Also soccerflyer, you're right, it does not add any depower to a fixed bridle kite, but on a depower kite, pulling the brakes changes the AoA. What would happen if I set this up on my depower Blaze II instead of an HQ bar? Would the pulleys give me more AoA adjustment or would it just fail completely?

acampbell - 16-9-2009 at 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Jovver
So I am extremely curious about this bar, especially since there is one for sale on the forum. All the info on this thread is great, but I have one more question. I know it is intended for fixed bridle kites, but would it also work as a depower bar on a depower kite?

Probably. It is essentially a depower bar after all, with the Z-lines and pulleys on the rear lines to amplify the rear line inputs. Big difference is the front lines aren't fixed in the conventional way and I'm not sure what effect it would have.

Edit. Thinking more, there is no center strap length adjustment, so tuning by the outside lines would be difficult and not possible on the fly.