Power Kite Forum


johnnylaing - 20-3-2009 at 10:03 PM

A friend just gave me this kite..looks like it's about 2002 or 03...bow kite??? Yellow around 8 meters I guess. A fellow windsurfer from the gorge sent it for us to play around with. I guess I'll blow it up and drag around in the surf?? Anyone know anything about these?? I'm not sure the bag even matches..nothing on the kite except slingshot and "s" on either end.

How do I post a pic in this message ?

johnnylaing - 21-3-2009 at 08:57 AM


AD72 - 21-3-2009 at 04:05 PM

Is that a Slingshot Fuel? I have a 2002 Fuel one sixty which is a 16m inflatable. There is no safety on the chicken loop. I will need to change it out if I decide to use the bar that came with it. It is a huge black and white kite. I would guess what you have is a 12 m.

johnnylaing - 21-3-2009 at 06:36 PM

There is no name on the kite other than slingshot...the bag says one twenty and fuel, but I do not know if it is original to the kite. I'll have to get pics...There is no saftey on this as well...I was thinking about taking it out in steady(no gusts) 10-15 and just getting the feel of some body drags. I have been told if this is an early fuel, not to fly it without a 5'th line and a safety. The kite is about 16 feet long laid on the ground.

johnnylaing - 21-3-2009 at 09:18 PM

Anyone know where to find info on this kite????If I can't find it here?????

burritobandit - 21-3-2009 at 09:45 PM

120 would mean its a 12m. It's going to be a 4-line c-kite. Look for 4 pigtails on the wingtips: 2 on the leading edge, 2 on the trailing edge. There probably won't be a 5th-line attachment on the leading edge (one in the center, usually) unless someone's modded it to have one.

Be very careful not to let it fall leading edge down in the water unless you know how to relaunch a c-kite. Older c-kites were sometimes tricky to relaunch. The 5th-line made the relaunching on c-kites much easier.

Be sure you've got a kiteleash attached to one of the lines in case you need to pull your chickenloop QR to flag the kite out in case of an emergency. You usually attach it to one of the front lines, at least that's how it was designed on my Best c-kite bar.

To post a pic in the message, you can host the image on www.tinypic.com for free, then use the forum img tags. There's a little img button on the top of the posting box.

If you can't figure out how to get the image to post, just paste the link here and we can click on it.

johnnylaing - 21-3-2009 at 10:26 PM

thanks for the reply...there are three attachment points on each wingtip, but no 5'th or QR (yet) Is this something I can learn on? I do have someone local (Rob)I'll get to help.

burritobandit - 21-3-2009 at 11:24 PM

I took lessons and learned on C-kites, but I've made the most progression on Bow/SLE kites. Older C-kites have very limited windranges because of their limited depower.

Definitely get help if this is your first time on a C-kite. Having assisted launches and landings will make things much easier for you. Try to practice relaunching a C-kite in shallow water if you can. As always, having side-shore winds will be ideal for learning.

If you could post a pic of the attachment points on the wingtip, that would be helpful. Also post a picture of the bar you were provided.. I'm curious to see which one it is.

johnnylaing - 22-3-2009 at 06:42 AM

Thanks! I will listen, BTW. I posted pics..the kite is crispy...


kitepool - 23-3-2009 at 04:14 PM

you could measure it
length X averaged width
get the square meterage thattaway...