Power Kite Forum

Just Starting Please Give Advise

rogue_sorrytick - 20-3-2009 at 11:33 PM

Hey All,
I'm new to all this. I want to get started in Kiteboarding. I live near the Beach in NJ and I have always wanted to do this since I was young. The problem is I have no idea what to get and all the advise I get from people in stores seems to contradict what I get from the other stores so please somebody help me!!! I am 6'3" 240lbs. Please tell me what kind of board I would need, Kite size, harness the works please. Any and all advise would be most appreciated. Thanks to everyone in advance

flexiblade - 21-3-2009 at 12:35 AM

Sound like you want to go on water - by the way welcome to the forum - for that you would really need to hook up with an instructor who could guide you on the gear that would probably suit you best. You could be talking about Landboarding maybe? (done with a skateboard-like deck and larger wheels for running on packed sand or low cut grass fields) - If you clarify I'm sure someone here could guide you in the right direction. The more info you give about specifically what you need the easier it is for folks to come to your aid. Cruise around the other posts and you may stumble upon what you need.

Bladerunner - 21-3-2009 at 08:37 AM

Don't rush in to things !!!!!!

The 1st thing you need is a good 3m trainer foil. Get one and fly it while you are getting a better feel for the sport. This step is essential so move ahead on it as soon as you can. Check out www.kitesurfingschool.org for some instruction.

2nd is to try and hook up with a local school or the local crew. Even just watching them will be important. They will give the best advice on gear for your area. Odds are they will sell you theirs at a good deal.

You can waist a LOT of money rushing in to investments in this sport !

3rd feel free to keep asking questions on here.

Hunt down a good 3m find AOXOMOXOA with that kite and away you go :wee:

ernie - 22-3-2009 at 05:30 AM

you talking about kiting on water ? If so one of the best places to learn is at extreme windsurfing in west atlantic city I've been windsurfing there for years. Great instructors, very knowledgable, and will definitely steer you inright direction. I don't know how much you already know about the sport, but it's not something thats done casually like jet skiing. It can be VERY dangerous ; something like 75 people killed world wide since it started so you definitely need to take it seriously. don't rush, take the time to learn w/proper instruction and good luck


Power Kite Guy - 4-6-2009 at 05:05 AM

Some good advice on here already.

The main things are to:

Read and watch videos as much as you can to learn the theory.
Get a lesson
Get a trainer kite
Go slowly and treat the kite with respect - it's an incredible sport but anyone should take the time to learn it properly

Kamikuza - 4-6-2009 at 06:04 AM

Learn to fly a 2-line kite first. Buy a little trainer, go out and rack up enough time till you can fly it with your eyes closed - almost literally :) there's more to the dynamics of flying a moving kite and board etc but get the basic skills down first, without a doubt.