Power Kite Forum

any simple, DIY Board Brakes?

lad - 21-3-2009 at 07:29 PM

I don't intend to get into "extreme" downhill mountainboarding sessions. I just want something to do if the wind is down.

So, unlike many of the serious downhill purists, I want a handy brake option - or more properly, a decelerator option.

I'm not sure there are any (cheap) retrofits for my vintage MBS Blade, especially with my new 10" wheel fit.

I noticed I got some unintended brake action ---- with my low-squatting butt connecting to the oversized tires! :roll:
Luckily, I had on my thick, padded jeans

This made me think of some kind of simple spring panel clamped to one end over the tires. I would just squat and press down on the top over the wheels - or use a loose foot. There would be some thick, finger-y, replaceable, vinyl mat material underneath it which wouldn't grind the threads so much as just snag them up a little.

Nothing fancy, or sudden-braking. Just a sensible, pre-meditated slower-downer. Has anyone else seen a plan for something like this or any other simple option?