Power Kite Forum

Someone had an Awesome Day

Scudley - 23-3-2009 at 11:28 AM

Sunday was beautiful at Garry Point. Wind was around 15 kts. BBoy was flying my AlaSCa, or it was flying him.
Nice work Bboy. Photos by DustySocks.

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Scudley - 23-3-2009 at 11:30 AM

another photo of Bboy.

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Scudley - 23-3-2009 at 11:31 AM

yet another

b7.jpg - 74kB

Scudley - 23-3-2009 at 11:33 AM

The only person getting more air was Dennis.

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kitemaker4 - 23-3-2009 at 03:09 PM

I sure hope yall had helmets on when you were jumping.

Susan (npw goddess)

Bladerunner - 23-3-2009 at 08:37 PM

Thanks for bringing out the new kites Scudley!

That Madagascar is a bit scarey ! Definately not a beginers kite. It looks and flies like a much larger kite.

I was kicking myself this morning for not asking you to pull out the Wave ( ? ) yesterday !!! It may have to wait until after NABX now.

As I said The more 10m kites I get to try the more I love the Alasca. ( the kite B'boy is flying ) :thumbup:

macboy - 23-3-2009 at 08:40 PM

.......good grief! Look at the bare grass! Hard to believe that's in Canada......

Scudley - 23-3-2009 at 08:51 PM

The Wave may get tested out next weekend. If am not working Wednesday, I could be trying it and the Madagascar out in some good wind and no single liners. Tonya would like to keep the Wave clean as she has someone in mind for it.
BR, got a great picture of the Alasca and Madagascar together from when you and Becky were flying together on Saturday.

work2.JPG - 181kB

Bladerunner - 24-3-2009 at 09:14 AM

The picture kind of magnifies it but that Madagascar does truly look 2 sizes bigger when the fly side by side.

I hope to get a shot at the wave before Tonya passes it on !
Let's see if we have some competition for Flysurfer and the Neo. :ninja: