mogsie - 23-3-2009 at 03:06 PM
can anyone please instruct or advise or post a link regarding bridlr tuning ! i currently believe that i can make my fixed bridle kite fully
adjustable ! the theory is all worked out i just need to put it into practice !
DAKITEZ - 24-3-2009 at 12:22 AM
what kite?
mogsie - 24-3-2009 at 12:58 PM
dont know sorry ! baught it cheap off ebay ! just to pick up the basics as ime new to kiting ! it didnt have a band name advertised ! however i was
thinking :puzzled:!!! the bridle lines on each side are in 3 rows ( disregarding the brake lines) 1 row to the leading edge then another row about
200mm behind the first row and a 3rd row approx 200mm behind the second row ! and all these 3 rows group together to 1 pigtail with a knot in the end
to the attach control lines to (sorry for stating the obvious). so if i give each row its own pigtail with 3 evenly and correctly spaced knots, and
all 6 pigtails uniform ! i will be able to alter the AoA easily by attaching fling lines to different knot on each row ! am i thinking correctly ?
ripsessionkites - 24-3-2009 at 02:00 PM
duh ... you're referring to the A, B, C lines and D would be your brake line.
the kite came setup with the A B C lines connected to one point, its meant to be like that. if you want to added an AOA bridle thats totally different
than the Static Bridle you have. also its not something that can be easily explained with text.
AOA, changes the angle of attack, making the kite slower / faster ...
something simplier would be too add more knots on teh D Line (Brake Line) above or below the Factory Setting.
mogsie - 24-3-2009 at 02:27 PM
oh duh did you miss the bit in my previose message that stated i was new to kiting ? very sorry that i didnt know they were refered to as the A B C
lines ! i will brush up on the terminology !
surely adding more knots to the brake line will only effect the brakes by my reckoning but then ime a duh !!
also by the way i described my idea i thaught it was clear that the A B C lines will still be connected to one point ! that was quite easily explained
by text !!
Bladerunner - 24-3-2009 at 02:41 PM
Hey Mogs'
Turning a 4m fixed bridle in to a depower would be a HUGE waist of time and money! You know you would need to buy a depower bar and pulleys etc.. ? I
don't think anyone understands why you want to do it ? By the time you have bought all those bits and pieces you could buy a whole used kite and bar.
Notice how almost no company sells a 4m depower !
Exactly WHAT are you trying to accomplish ? It is IMPOSSIBLE to create a depower without putting a mixer on your ABC bridles ? It isn't clear at all
in text how you can do this and keep them together?
If people sound confused it is because what you are trying to accomplish is confusing. Sorry about that !
Flexifoil makes a simple mixer that you could put on cheap ( although I don't know why you want to ) . It will adjust your Angle of attack but you
must move it from position to position manually. If you are hell bent on the idea I would start with one of them just to prove to yourself that it is
time and money waisted ?
awindofchange - 24-3-2009 at 02:42 PM
If the A B & C bridles are all attached to one point then it would be very difficult to change the angle of attack through those bridles. Normal
fixed bridle kites (like what you have) are set up this way. You can change the angle of attack by controlling the amount of tension on the rear or
brake lines (D bridles). You should have a set of control handles or a control bar with your kite. The top lines (AB&C) are connected to the top
of your handles, the bottom lines (D) are connected to the bottom of the handles. By rotating your hands forward or backwards you can change the
angle of attack of the kite so you can fly it faster or stall / land the kite. By adding adjustments to your handle bottom lines, you can "tune" your
kite so that you have the best forward speed while still being able to stall and land the kite.
This is the way the kite should be set up and designed.
One of the confusions is that there are also Depowerable kites which is where some of the confusion of your post comes from. A depowerable kite can
change the actual camber of the sail during flight, meaning that you can adjust the B & C bridles progressivly separate from the A bridles. This
is a very complicated setup that usually requires some pulley's and cross lines to achieve. These setups are usually flown on control bars so you can
actively use the depowerable system. This would be very difficult to set up on your kite and because of the limitations of the sail, probably would
not work at all.
Hope this helps. If you have any other questions please ask and we will do what we can to help you out.
ripsessionkites - 24-3-2009 at 04:09 PM
i was giving you some insight with some terms, to help you out. sorry if it came across differently in your eyes.
Your bridle is basically what most kites use/have, so changing the Power Bridle lines is more work than fun. Adjusting your Brake Line like Kent and
I've suggested is a lot easier to do and will achieve the same out come.
For your reference:
This is a AOA bridle that adjusts the A, B, C.
This is a SPS bridle, similar to the AOA bridle but uses adjustable knots:
This is UDS system, that allows you to change most kites into Depower on bar.
hopefully this explains a bit more for ya.
mogsie - 25-3-2009 at 03:24 PM
hello friends ! oh ripsessionkites sorry i took it the wrong way and i apologise for bieng a bit sarcastic ! anyways i have always been a hands on
person who likes to tinker with things and see how they work and how they can be modified ! its just the way i am, i love learning ! now i went ahead
with my idea !!! and ime including a few pics to show what i meant !
as you can see in this pic ive given each row of bridle lines (A B C lines) its own line toggle with knots for adjustment, in this pic the flying line
is connect at the same knot on each toggle, and therefore the kite flew the same as it did prior to modification when all the A B and C lines were
bunched together where they connected to the flying line.
in this pic the flying line is connected to the rear most knot on the A (leading edge) row, middle knot on the B row and the first knot on the C row,
in flight the kite was very unstable ! fluttering about alot and trying to folding up on itself in the air !
so in this pic i reversed the above and attached the flying lines at the first knot on the A lines, stayed at the middle knot on the B lines and the
rear knot on the C lines ! in flight i found that the kite stayed in the power zone longer and the kite could not make it all the way to the zenith!
it stayed at about the 1 o clock position but the pull was constant, would not stop pulling !
so it wasnt a complete waste of time and it cost me nothing !! an enjoyable few hours ! better than staying at home changing nappies
also learned that when the kite pulls as hard as that its bloody hard to pull on the brake lines !! i need hydraulic wrists !!
Bladerunner - 25-3-2009 at 04:25 PM
Ha Ha,
Tinker away ! For fun and experience you are on the right track.
I got the impression that you expected to get better performance from the kite somehow. + that you wanted to put it on a depower bar and have it work
as a depower kite. Your findings are consistant with what one would expect.
What are you flying it on ?
You should post a picture of the actual kite so we can all see what you have. Someone is likely to know the make or have experience with one.
ripsessionkites - 26-3-2009 at 12:31 PM
good work, you have the idea
updated the pic links again, didnt know there was an error.
it looks like a Quadtrac
mogsie - 26-3-2009 at 02:07 PM
i dont mean to be a DUH again !!!(jokingly):tumble: but i dont know what a quadtrac is :puzzled:
ripsessionkites - 26-3-2009 at 02:34 PM
your kite model.