Power Kite Forum

New to it!

dman - 3-1-2005 at 06:55 PM

Just wanted to drop in and say hey! I've been paragliding for 2 years and wanted to do something fun when the winds aren't right for flying. My wife bought me a little devil 2.1 for christmas and I was lucky enough to find Doomwheels on the web. It's just what the doctor ordered! I've already got my wheels on order from northern tool and found some rails so shouldn't be too long now. I live about 2 hrs north of Ivanpah and look forward to some great sessions out there. Thanks for all the great info on here.

doomwheels - 7-1-2005 at 10:15 AM

You're lucky to be so close to such a great kite skating location! Surely you will be there for the NABX in April. Amongst the herds of buggys, there will also be a number of landboarders and skaters. We'll look for you there.

Keep us up to date on your skate building process. There are plenty of tips here... just perform a search or post new questions that hasn't been covered.

Good luck and welcome to PKF!

dman - 7-1-2005 at 09:28 PM

Thanks, I will get some pics out as soon as they are done. If the weather permits maybe an action shot or two. See you at NABX.