Power Kite Forum

Kitesurfing Nearly Killed Me! How To Make Sure Your Not Next

teeskee - 26-3-2009 at 10:17 PM

In November last year I had the best day riding of my life! 20knot, sunny, waves and flat water! Amazing! After about 5 hours riding I decided to hop over a small rock breakwater wall. I didn't make it... to see pictures of the incident click here http://www.flickr.com/photos/36660374@N07/sets/7215761595883...
I landed on my feet then flipped onto my head, smashing my helmet (it saved my life!) and beaking 6 vertebrae. I will have a full recovery and hoping to back on the water in a few months, Exciting time I know!

It made me realise that kiting can be a very dangerous sport! I am putting together a book on practical tips to keep the regular kiter out of real trouble.

What I need to hear is any concerns you have about your kitesurfing safety and also your top tips/tricks to keep you safe on the water.

To participate and receive a free copy of the guide once its completed go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=gi0f0RDmWdbtOYOnFxQW9Q_3d_3d
I look forward to hearing from you guys.



teeskee - 26-3-2009 at 11:30 PM

Also if you don't have any comments or tips still go to the survey but just type "guide" in the question boxes and I'll contact you about getting you a copy once its done.


nwsurfwakeskate - 26-3-2009 at 11:35 PM

geez dude that looks pretty serious! glad you made it out alive!

I always imagine this happening when I see pro's clearing breakwaters. there's that whole "what if" thing going on in my mind. scares the crap outta me. I'm glad you made it though. hope you are able to get back on the water with minimal problems asap!

teeskee - 27-3-2009 at 02:45 AM

Thanks bro. Yeah I had jumped it countless times and this one time.. dunno must have been tired or something. Learnt my lesson, you can push the limits as hard as you want as long as you stay in the water! ha

PHREERIDER - 27-3-2009 at 06:22 AM

"conditions and site selection" have to be at the top of the list.

"accepting an education in every session no matter how much you ride"

"FLOAT PLAN" know the ending in the worst case scenario before you go

"knowing tides and current"

"power and speed control"

"obstacles" jump only the ones in your mind
penalty for error can be hi, you got it first hand my friend

wow what an education.

glad you are here to do it for others!

i have posted over a year of self teaching experience for kite surfing and kite land boarding and kite skating with various rigs sle lei C-kites closed cell all self taught. and pics to go with it.

all with life preserving mantra

search the post and threads THIS IS "THE CURRENT LIBRARY FORUM OF POWER KITING" with out commercial interruption

live to kite another day ....just let go


Bladerunner - 27-3-2009 at 07:32 AM

That is so sad :no: I hope you have a speedy recovery !

I don't think there is one of us that enter this sport that don't have some fantasy about jumping over a house or something.

It sort of comes down to living by the rules set out in lessons and leading by example.

In this case the clearance rule was broken. Unfortunately most of us break it in one way or another all the time. ( around here at least ) When it gets broken over and over it gets forgotten. Then one day it shows it's full rath. :no:

Thanks for sharing. A bite of reality before I head out on the dry lakes.

teeskee - 31-3-2009 at 11:32 PM

Too right, I had jumped that and numerous breakwaters so many times! Unfortunately it only takes once. But I learned jumping solid objects is never worth it! The hard way! ha

I just want to say thanks for all the responses to the survey so far, there is heaps of great stuff on there. If you have some more concerns I would love to hear from you but be advised "big gusts of wind dragging me up the beach" has been submitted numerous times..

To which the best response is:
"Bring your kite down so it is almost touching the ground and sit down. Do not actually let your kite touch the ground. This is your best position to stop yourself from being dragged away. If you are still unable to keep it under control release your kite with the safety. Your safety should always be your last option as not only could your kite be damaged but also it could do damage or injure bystanders."

If you were interested

BeamerBob - 1-4-2009 at 03:40 AM

Both of my depower kites fall harmlessly to the ground if I activate the safety and they each have different systems. I just rehook the safety and it is ready to fly unless something tangled on the way to the ground. What kites can be harmed with the safety? I wouldn't want to be reluctant to use a safety because it can harm my kite.

teeskee - 1-4-2009 at 03:51 AM

I think they were referring to a complete release safety. Like detaches near the chicken loop. Then the kite flies away and into buildings, trees etc