Power Kite Forum


richskip - 4-1-2005 at 07:18 AM

Anyone know where i can get some scooter wheels to make my own ' Wheels of doom'? I've just managed to blag a pair of roller blades off a mate but can't seem to find any big wheels.

Although this could be a good thing as i imagine that i probably wont be able use them for very long until i manage to brake my neck on them but hey, as BC says ' Crash and learn' :D

baldie - 16-2-2005 at 10:32 AM

Check this website out: www.xootr.com

In the accessories section the have spare wheels. Maybe not the best for offroad (esp. beach) but they'l be fast.

Their scooters are very cool for livening up your commute as well. Saves me half an hour a day. I've not tried combining the kite & xootr yet - would be even more crazy than Wheels of Doom!

doomwheels - 16-2-2005 at 02:39 PM

Sorry richskip, don't know how I missed your thread. There are a few good sources for wheels online. I keep a list of them at http://www.kiteskating.com (skates section).

There are others mentioned in other threads of this forum. Do a search for scooter wheels or kiteskate wheels. Here's one:

Good luck (neck breaking is not allowed lol)!