I was wondering if I'm missing a step when I'm jumping with my kites when static flying in the field, when I land its pretty hard and sometimes hurts
my ankle from landing (so hard I guess?). I tried to keep my knees bent but possibly I didn't that time. Anyway, I'm flying the kite across the window
and when it feels pretty powered up I'm yanking the bar in and go airborne. Should I be pulling the bar on the side opposite the direction I'm going
to redirect the kite before I'm hitting the ground? Usually I'm paying more attention to the ground I think but it happens pretty quickly. I was also
wondering if I should be running with the kite while I'm sending it across in front of me and then redirecting when I go to jump if that would give
more air?bigben91682 - 31-3-2009 at 04:00 PM
hmmm, yeah I need to try again heh
So your jumping on the 2nd redirect?dylanj423 - 31-3-2009 at 07:03 PM
The kite wont float you down unless it is right above you. The redirect should be bringing the kite back to zenith. Also pull bar in right before you
land for a softer landing...BeamerBob - 31-3-2009 at 07:15 PM
The "send" of the kite isn't across the window. It should be across the zenith or close to it. Go past zenith and jump as you are turning the kite
back to zenith. That gives you the pop and the return to zenith gives you the float.
coppertop31 my suggestions is that for jumping high move the kite to a 10 o'clock or 1o'clock in the air and run the oppisite direction of the kite
and you should jump higher.