Power Kite Forum

Pansh Baze II users

Lanbro - 1-4-2009 at 08:55 AM

I bought a 7m Blaze II. Can i use any depower bar with this kite?

WolfWolfee - 1-4-2009 at 09:35 AM

do a search on the site should be lots of info available.

bigben91682 - 1-4-2009 at 03:28 PM

With a little tweaking I imagine you could make any depower bar work.

arkay - 1-4-2009 at 09:08 PM

People must be on the playa with no internets :)

I don't see why you couldn't use just about any depower bar since they all work basically the same. the steering (with little load) on the ends on the bar and the primary force through the bar to the harness. Most depower bars also two features on the center lines, a trim strap to adjust the depower range of the bar/kite and some sort of swivel mechanism to prevent the center lines from twisting. Then there are other little features that you probably don't need line break loops, bungee to hold the lines on when things are wrapped up, etc.

However you will want to to decide on bar length. I really have no idea how to determine the best length :) Hopefully someone else will chime in... but I have noticed that the longer the bar the more differential you can place between the lines when turning the kite (push vs pull) and thus the kite will probably turn faster. Of course I imagine that there's some practical bar length maximum for each kite (that is different) where the kite will probably stall or lose all power if "turned" too hard.

I've got a 60cm, 55cm, 52cm... the 60 is on the blaze II 7m and works really well. I haven't tried the others on it.

7M Blaze II

Blake - 3-4-2009 at 09:20 AM


PM me and I will set you straight on the Blaze II.
I have an entire quiver of them


7m Blaze II in the air.jpg - 120kB