thelaserman - 9-4-2009 at 09:25 AM
So i got my bomba in the mail yesterday. I hooked it up to an old wipika bar froma 13m kite. Id say the bar is prolly at or over 60cm. I am using the
standard lines on the bar, and it has a cam cleat depower, that allows a good 18in of adjustment or so.
The wind was 8-11kts, the kite turned really slow, i tried both the front and back pig tails, played with the depower in and out. extended and
shortend the brake lines. Nothing seamed to work. there was definatly power in the kite, I had huge scuds, but the kite flew and turned so slow that
any time I tried a power stroke the kite would touch water. (causing a broken spar)
When at zenith with brake lines at original setting. the Front line were tight and the brake lines were loose.
When i thightend the brake lines the kite at zenith, still had tight front lines, and there was very little tention on the brakes.
dont know if this matters but the kite was a bit hard to launch, i would hae to constantly pump the front lines to get it up.
I am assuming that the adjustability in the depower should make up for a non standard bar setup right? the depower should take care of increasing or
decreasing the sizes of the pig tails and leaders I think.
Also can i replace the spar with a wooden dowl, while waiting for the carbon tube to come in?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Bladerunner - 9-4-2009 at 09:59 AM
Save up for the new Charger in June ! :wee:
It sounds like it was just not quite enough wind ????? Older arcs needed more wind to fly. That was one of there downfalls back then.
Slow turning and high bar pressure are things I thought all arcs had. NOT the Charger !!!! Super easy turning and pretty light bar pressure for an arc
I'm pretty sure you should have it set so when you pull the bar in all the way the kite stalls but does not fall back in the window ?
The dowling is an O.K. temporary fix but I'm glad you ordered real spars.