Power Kite Forum

Need some wheels!

Alexwilson - 11-4-2009 at 08:41 AM

Ive built a buggy for my college project and need to get my hands on some wheels for it, any ideas where i could get some from?
ive looked on the internet for acctually buggy wheels but they cost an arm and a leg, any advice on where i could pick some up for cheap: second hand, new, anything really!
tried a scrapyard earlier but all they had were car wheels

jellis - 11-4-2009 at 08:59 AM

What size bolts will you be using? 12 mm or 20 mm.

Alexwilson - 11-4-2009 at 09:02 AM

bolts, what are they used for ?
i was under the impression i could just slide some wheels onto the axel, im guessing its more complicated than this?
im not clued up on this atall lol

: Just measured the width of the bar the wheels need to slide onto and its 20mm
if thats what you were on about ?

csa_deadon - 11-4-2009 at 09:34 AM

The axle as it looks like you've built is very much like an axle that is used in a car.
I.R. a solid shaft housed with in a hollow protective casing that requires some form of grease to act as
a lubricant.

The axle which is used on your typical buggy uses the same hollow tube, but instead of an axle rod,
the ends of the "housing" are threaded. The wheels have bearings installed and a bolt is slide through
the bearings a screwed into the axle it self. This makes for quicker tire changes, and longer axle life.
You don't have to worry about the axle shaft needing lubrication, or worry about the axle shaft
wearing through the axle housing. Also has the added benefit of less weight.

Hope this helps.

Alexwilson - 11-4-2009 at 02:03 PM

ah rite, cheers for the help, didnt realise there was so much to it
does that mean i wont be able to get acctually kite buggy wheels off the internet then? and will have to get some sort of 'bearingless' wheels that will just slide onto the bar ive got

SCREWYFITS - 11-4-2009 at 02:54 PM

Some of the kite buggy wheels have a 20mm inside diameter that would slide over the axle and could be used "with some mods to your axle", like a backing/stopper so the wheel will stay in one place and not slide over to your side rails, and then some sort of end stopper like a bolt with large washers to keep the wheel from falling off the end of your axle...

Or four of these one on each side of your rear wheels to keep them in place... if you roll with something like this, make sure they have a 20mm ID...

I picked these up for my build for apx. $6 ea... that will cut into your budget a lil and could be done with just a metal ring welded on the inside (or 2 of the above) then a bolt and washer on the outside like mention earlier...

Good luck and if you get a chance post some photos, there are a lot of home buggy builders on here (me being one) and would appreciate your efforts and enjoy your photos...

I just finished a bug in a collage welding class also...:bigok:

Alexwilson - 12-4-2009 at 05:09 AM

ah nice one, cheers for the advise
ill probably look into some kind of washers then, that sounds like the easiest option
ill put some pictures up later if i can, however, dont build your hopes up, its pretty naff lol

stetson05 - 12-4-2009 at 10:55 AM

I got my wheels at Harbor Freight. They have a website if nothing is close to you. most of thier stuff is 5/8 but you might get lucky. maybe you can find a sleeve to make the difference.
Good Luck

Alexwilson - 13-4-2009 at 04:59 AM

Heres some pictures of the finished frame work, you can kind of see the bar for the rear wheels im talking about on the third one