Power Kite Forum

Peter Lynn Hornet 3m (& Viper's squeezed in)

SCREWYFITS - 12-4-2009 at 02:05 PM

Well, I just picked up one of these for my trip to NABX and I got apx 25 miles on it (probably an hour and a half)...

The kite is very well made, high quality materials, and comes RTF and a large backpack that could hold 3 of these kites...

I personally like the handles, lineset and the bridal lines... The bridal lines are nice material and seem of higher quality than what I've seen on other kites in this class, thin and semi stiff... Same goes for the lineset, very high quality and they number each end (1-4) and number the bridals and handles so the total beginner can figure out the setup and become familiar with it for future setups... Power and break lines are different colors for ease of identification, and the color coded handles are fully padded and are nice-n-cushy...

The Hornet does have dirt outs on the end sides toward the trailing edge...

The kite flies very well and responds to break input like all kites should... they are true breaks, the kite turns very well without break input and takes a bit of getting used too... the Hornet wants to fly far into the window (while static) but didn't seem to wanna luff at all... flying it in the buggy it seemed to sit further back in the window than I'd like it to, but I like a lil higher performance kites for buggying... so where it sits in the window is perfect for the beginning buggier and it provides plenty of power for a 3m kite in its class...

The graphics are fantastic and make it a beautiful kite while in the air...

I highly recommend this kite to any beginner, in fact I was so impressed with Peter Lynn that I picked up a Twister II 7.7m that I'll have a review for in the near future, and I'm eyeballing the Reactor II's...

I give it :thumbup::thumbup:!!!

ripsessionkites - 13-4-2009 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by SCREWYFITS

I highly recommend this kite to any beginner, in fact I was so impressed with Peter Lynn that I picked up a Twister II 7.7m that I'll have a review for in the near future, and I'm eyeballing the Reactor II's...

I give it :thumbup::thumbup:!!!

youll enjoy the Twister (jump engine)!!!

kitebuggy mama is going to fly the PL Cores.

kite stuff coming your way shortly.

SCREWYFITS - 14-4-2009 at 09:57 PM

Lets do it!!!
The Core is a race kite, correct?
I need a race kite too so I can practice for next year at NABX!!!
Yeah... I had the Twister II out the other day and it was pretty nice but I gotta get some time on it so I can give it an accurate review...

ripsessionkites - 14-4-2009 at 11:27 PM

Originally posted by SCREWYFITS
Lets do it!!!
The Core is a race kite, correct?
I need a race kite too so I can practice for next year at NABX!!!
Yeah... I had the Twister II out the other day and it was pretty nice but I gotta get some time on it so I can give it an accurate review...

inter - advance kite. slower than the R IIs.

we need to get you to speed, with your pants on. no skirts allowed next year. :spin:

Peter lynn hornet

hamaidan17 - 3-5-2009 at 07:49 AM

Text I also own the hornet and its excellent.

ripsessionkites - 3-5-2009 at 05:12 PM

one of the best beginner kites ive flown, and you can grow with it too. it would be a perfect HIGH Wind kite.

comes complete with bag, handles, lines, kite killers, ground stake

SCREWYFITS - 7-5-2009 at 10:03 AM

Damn, I just sold mine... I need a new one now!!! mmmm maybe a 4m...

elfasa - 20-5-2009 at 01:22 AM

thatnks for the review. im thinking about getting a peter lynn hornet 3m for my first power kite. this helped my decision process.

thanks again :)

SCREWYFITS - 20-5-2009 at 08:43 PM

The Hornet is fantastic and highly recommended... I hate to throw a twist in here on your decision but if you have a lil extra dough look into the Peter Lynn Viper 2.6m, I just replaced my Hornet with this kite and have the 5.3m Viper on order, it's as powerful as the Hornet 3m and super easy to fly, and SUPER SUPER fun... The Hornet is fun as heck also, but the Viper is a lil more responsive and reacts to every input from the pilot, phenomenal kite...
I'll be making a review here soon as I just flew a bunch of kites, similar in size, in the same wind back to back... they where HQ Beamer IV, Hydra 350, Peter Lynn Hornet, Viper, Core, Twister... it was a great experience and I am really impressed with all the Peter Lynn's, HQ is great and I already knew this but Peter Lynn kites are major players in the kite biz, IMO...
Good luck, and fly safe...

robyglider - 18-6-2009 at 03:46 PM

First of all hello everyone as i just registered.
I think this is a bit OT but anyway I'll ask. As you've flown both of them do you think the Viper 2.6 is more similar to the Core 3, or to the core 2.3?? :puzzled: and do you think the two kites are similar in charasteristics, especialy ease of use, or is one more difficult than the other...
Thanks a lot :roll:

SCREWYFITS - 19-6-2009 at 04:07 PM

If I where to compare the Viper to the Core, the closest would be the 2.3 (power wise) and as far as characteristics go, they are two different kites the Core is more of a buggy "beginner speed" kite and the Viper is more beginner all around buggy kite...

I can tell you that the Core is got a lot of giddy-up and is more buggy specific, and flying static isn't imposable but not as "wow" factor as the Viper is... The core flies further into the window and probably has the same power in the 2.3 as the Viper 2.6 does...

Now they are both fast turning kites the Core is a lil faster due to its smaller size and higher aspect ratio...

Both are fantastic kites, but the core is more sport specific and the Viper is more of a all around kite... I don't think that either would be easier than the other but I guess one could say that the Viper could appease a "beginner" (newbie) better than the Core...

They both fly extremely well on the powers and need lil to no break input, the Core uses slight break input for speed and keeping it back in the window further, this helps to generate more power... The breaks work very well on both and kill the power if applied...

Both are very stable, but the Viper seams a lil more stable over all...

Good luck and try and test them both before you buy, if possible...:Ange09:


mougl - 19-6-2009 at 04:16 PM

@ Screwy

Thanks for the awesome info on the Viper 2.6! Ordered mine from Dino and it should be here any day :D I cant wait to fly that thing!

robyglider - 19-6-2009 at 04:39 PM

Thanks a lot Screwfits, you've just helped me make up my mind as well, and I'm ordering a VIPER :wee:

SCREWYFITS - 19-6-2009 at 05:27 PM

I just flew both of mine yesterday in virtually no wind to about 6mph and had a huge crowd at a busy park and ended up teaching a few lil kids apx 7-9 years old (on the 2.6m) and they had a hard time trying to keep it up with the lil wind, but they all seemed greatful at the chance and was having a great time watching me and chasing the kite around (normaly I don't let kids do this, but there was no wind and no power so I felt they where pretty safe)...

I was flying both, as long as I kept them moving it was a blast...

Snatch these Vipers up, I hear they are on the back burner and due for them to get shut down... I think they are kites that will be classics down the road... They never did get much publicity that I've ever seen...

@ mougl, great choice on Kite and Dealer, DAKITEZ takes care of us kiters well and truly cares about the sport, it's growth and safety...

f0rgiv3n - 19-6-2009 at 09:26 PM

sry, kind of off the off-topic here but my wife LOVES the hornet 2m. I think I'm right that they size these by length instead of area is that right? BTW, i've flown it a good amount as well such a beautiful kite and extremely stable. Everything about it is well built and easy to use. From now on i'm going to be pushin' the hornet to newbies!!! :thumbup:

SCREWYFITS - 22-6-2009 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
sry, kind of off the off-topic here but my wife LOVES the hornet 2m. I think I'm right that they size these by length instead of area is that right? BTW, i've flown it a good amount as well such a beautiful kite and extremely stable. Everything about it is well built and easy to use. From now on i'm going to be pushin' the hornet to newbies!!! :thumbup:

Actually you are on topic, we kinda of got off topic with the Viper... and yes the Hornet is fantastic and my first recommendation to a beginner also... as far as the sizing goes I'm going to guess that it's area, but that is just a guess!!!

jamiecurrier - 11-8-2010 at 03:24 PM

Hi guys...thought this would be the best place to put this. I've started out with a Flexi Bullet 3.5, but want to delve into a Peter Lynn Viper 6.8m or Flexi Sabre 2 9.5m. Any recommendations as I am mostly just trolling Ebay trying to find any bigger kite than I have already. Any suggestions are welcome =]

Bladerunner - 11-8-2010 at 05:32 PM

Avoid the fake Montanas on Ebay . Be careful with Ebay in general.

The for sale section here has a reputation for being reliable sellers ( see good sellers list ) with good prices.

What are you hoping to use your kites for ? Your Bullet and the Viper are both good buggy engines. The Sabre is a depower kite and a bit of a different animal. Good kite but it may not be what you are looking for ?

jamiecurrier - 12-8-2010 at 05:07 AM

I have an ATB but want to save up for a buggy, so more the board at the moment. Also what would a depower kite be best used for? And thanks for the advice on the sale section =]

Bladerunner - 12-8-2010 at 06:46 AM

Buggy riders tend to prefer kites like your Bullet. Low lift and lots of pull + handles. Depowewr kites use a hanes and bar to vari the angle odd attack of the kite. ( AOA )
Depower kites like the Sabre are designed for ATB and snow kiting. Wider wind range ( depower ) and better lift for jumping.

Bladerunner - 12-8-2010 at 06:46 AM

Buggy riders tend to prefer kites like your Bullet. Low lift and lots of pull + handles. Depowewr kites use a hanes and bar to vari the angle odd attack of the kite. ( AOA )
Depower kites like the Sabre are designed for ATB and snow kiting. Wider wind range ( depower ) and better lift for jumping.

Nothing says you MUST use handles in a buggy and bar on a board . It all ends up what suites your personal style .

jamiecurrier - 12-8-2010 at 01:00 PM

Well I have an ATB now, so think I'll go for the sabre and then get another mid section kite. Would the sabre do for my low wind kite or not?

jamiecurrier - 12-8-2010 at 01:03 PM

Nope, no worries. The sabre just went out of my price range =/ I'm not sure which would do for a second kite, I want to buggy...but for the mean time (by which I mean the long foreseeable future) I'm stuck on the ATB. So would the viper be a better kite for that? As well as keeping the bullet?