dman - 13-1-2005 at 05:19 PM
Is anyone going to primm this week end. I haven't been there yet and was hoping to hook up with a couple of regulars to get the low down on the
lake bed.
RMV - 13-1-2005 at 08:53 PM
Sorry, but Ivanpah is not dry yet, as I have been waiting for several weeks now. I went by on Dec 30th, and it was well under water, and since then we
had even more rain (even snow). Roach and Jean dry lake are under the same conditions.
Sorry to brake your plans, but at least you will not make the trip for nothing.
dman - 14-1-2005 at 06:31 AM
Thanks RMV, I was hoping that it wouldn't be wet but no such luck! There is no where to go around here with all of the severe flooding last
week. I guess I'll just do some kitting in the park.
kchunks - 14-1-2005 at 08:34 AM
dman, I was going to give you the link to a utah paper that would indicate the flooding that has occured from St. George Utah all the way to L.A.
Granted, it didn't flood in Vegas but 4" of snow is rare. Then, I noticed you were from St. George. how are things going down there? Some
friends and I wanted to go kayak the Virgin River Gorge, but we're afraid that there is too much debris and will be unboatable.
dman - 14-1-2005 at 01:32 PM
Yeah, I would't try it-they are actually restricting road access to areas near the flooding and threatening to arrest gawkers and thrill seekers
alike. What area are you in, I come up to Draper all the time to fly paragliders at the Point. Maybe we could get to gether and head out to the
flats near Wendover. I have built myself some Doomwheels and plan on getting a buggy soon but don't have anyone in the area to hang with.
kchunks - 14-1-2005 at 03:03 PM
I figured on the lower gorge area we would be fine, but we'll wait. I live in Cottonwood Heights (Draper, then Sandy, and then Midvale and
Cottonwood Heights both border to the north Sandy (CTNWD on the east half and Midvale on the west). I have wanted to take up paragliding, but it will
be a long time before I can afford that gambit. I need to turn my rollerbaldes into doom wheels because I can't even remember the last time I
went rollerblading. I am about to leave to go coyote/rabbit hunting for the weekend up near Snowville. We're making a large loop and ending up
in Wendover. I'll take a look at the Salt Flats on the way back.
dman - 15-1-2005 at 05:55 AM
Cool, let me know how it goes! Where are the Yotes in Snowville? You should be able to email me from my stats. Have you ever been out to the flats
at the Knolls bombing range just east of Wendover on the south side of the train tracks. When we were kids we rode motorcycles out there and would
spend hours on the flats practicing wheelies and drag racing on the miles of flat hard packed sand it tends to blow there in the spring and summer
kchunks - 17-1-2005 at 08:15 AM
Well, the coyotes are between Rosette (Ut) and Montello (NV). So, you can look at it as southwest of Snowville or northeast of Wendover. Pretty much
straight west of promontory point. There is a surprising amount of snow up there right now and the Salt Flats are also covered with snow and standing
water in some places. I didn't see an email on your profile. You should be able to see mine, though.