bigsteve - 14-4-2009 at 06:36 AM
Guys, after playing around with about 4 different lay ups of plydoors, im goin foam core and abs rails with a vac bag setup.
has anyone played around with this? I've been poking around looking for good resources on techniques/tips/tricks but am curious if anyone has any good
sites or knowledge they'd like to share.
ragden - 14-4-2009 at 07:23 AM
I caught a "how is it made" on Discovery Channel one night and they were showing how a WindSurf board was made. They started with a giant foam core,
then shaped everything around that. Not sure if that helps you or not. I have no experience making anything. Best of luck to you.
indigo_wolf - 14-4-2009 at 09:26 AM
No experience, but see if this helps anyway...;-)
Go here:
Scroll down to "Construction information".... third paragraph includes links to 2 interesting (ok... maybe just me), videos.
The Design Considerations section further down is also kind of interesting... again maybe just me.
Also of possible interest:
(the site tends to jump in and out of French though)
Board Construction Blog (read from bottom)
Information on working with Nida Core
Hope that helps,
powerzone - 14-4-2009 at 09:44 AM
steve... contact Mike Sumpter (author of locally) he has made several very nice layup boards just like this.
nwsurfwakeskate - 14-4-2009 at 04:26 PM
Most of the board manufacturers seem to be doing wood core snowboard style construction these days. Is there any way the rocker table and vac bagging
equipment could be beneficial for that type of design? Maybe a thin wood core with glass top and bottoms and if you really wanted to get carried away
an ABS rail?
just a thought....
clintopher - 14-4-2009 at 05:37 PM
There's a yahoo group called "boardbuilding" that has a lot of info. It can be difficult to extrapolate things through the searches because there's
so much but it's there for sure.