danman7200 - 15-4-2009 at 08:51 AM
I decided today I'm going to try my hand at Kiting and spent the past 4 hours researching kites. (bored at work!) I have decided on a 3M Kite. I was
going to go for a beginner 5m kite but I don't think it's wise?
In the future I'll be looking at purchasing a buggy.
I'm quite an athletic guy and really want to be pulled/ tugged metres, just not thrown in the air....yet. Thats the goal for the future. Youtube has
some scary videos of guys flying 30+ft! #@%$#! that. Also would be looking at purchasing a buggy.
Two higly recommened kites are the Invento HQ Beamer 4 3m but they also have a 4m available and the Ozone cult 3.5? I would happily spend the extra on
the Beamer 4 if worth the extra money. I have noticed the HD Beamber 3's 3m going for cheaps than the 4's?
Should I buy second hand or brand new? Some of the brand new ones are complete kits.
Answers much appreciated.
Bladerunner - 15-4-2009 at 09:05 AM
Sounds like you are right on track with your thinking and questions.
The fact the Beamer is a complete package when new helps in choosing . The " extras" are : kite killers, a stake, and a DVD. The kite killers and
stake are pretty much a must. Helmet too.
General rules are.
By a good quality 1st kite. Both of you choices are good. You will keep it and use it as a high wind kite in time.
Don't go too big at 1st 3m is fine. This way YOU can fly the kite rather than protect yourself from it.
I still have never heard a person come back online and tell us a 3m Beamer was a bad choice as a 1st kite !
danman7200 - 15-4-2009 at 09:10 AM
Cheers for quick reply.
I'm going to buy the Beamer 3M this evening.
Are the beamer 4's much better than the beamer 3's? The difference is about £50.
One more question, I'm very grateful for this. What is the difference with a parafoil kite as apposed to a beamer 3?
BeamerBob - 15-4-2009 at 09:32 AM
A beamer is a parafoil, in that the wind pressure provides the rigidity of the structure of the kite.
acampbell - 15-4-2009 at 10:00 AM
Yes, strictly speaking, the Beamer is an open-cell, fixed bridle foil.
"Fixed Bridle" means the bridles are fixed/ sewn in place and keep the kite at a constant angle of attack ( AoA). This is opposed to the "de-power"
kite where the AoA can e changed dynamically in flight. This is a more complicated rig and not recommended for first time and not until you want to
put yourself in motion on buggy, board, or skis.
Either Beamer will serve you well. The new IV model added dirt-outs to the wing-tips (velcro openings to remove sand, debris, etc.). They also
revised the sail and profile shape (ribs) such that the power can be goosed with a little brake input.
Have fun and be safe.
danman7200 - 16-4-2009 at 02:01 AM
Cheers mate
I'm now awaiting delivery. Can't wait! I'll keep browsing the forums to increase my knowledge and let you know how my first experience goes. 15MPH
winds forecasted for next few days so hopefully will arrive sooner rather than later!
macboy - 16-4-2009 at 10:33 AM
You're going to find the 3m to be the kite to learn everything with. You'll learn how to fly quad line kites, then (even if you've already added to
your kite family) you'll unpack the 3m for the first go in the buggy, then when that high wind day hits you'll brave them with your 3m. I don't know
that I'd ever NOT have a 3m in the bag o' tricks. Heck, we've had days that I wished I had a 2m or a 1.5m!
Welcome to it - you're in BIG trouble now ; )
Bladerunner - 16-4-2009 at 01:03 PM
If you are asking about Beamer 3meter VS. 4 meter then the difference is the power and wind speed you can fly in.
The 3m will end up serving you later as a high wind kite. If you start with a 4m it won't be as useful to you later as a high wind engine due to the
extra size.
The 3m will deliver plenty of punch and just enough forgiveness for you to get back up , brush back off and start all over again :Ange09:
geojones - 16-4-2009 at 06:08 PM
welcome to the kite addiction:wee: