Power Kite Forum

Concrete + sail = holes

Kamikuza - 16-4-2009 at 12:17 AM

Dunno where to put this but ... had to drop my Kitewing on the concrete in the carpark I was zooming around in today :wee: and grazed some holes in the sail, at the hardpoints on the leading edge.

What would be the best method of repair? Glue and hand-stitch a layer of something over the top? Or just mylar tape?

Thanks in advance ...

ripsessionkites - 16-4-2009 at 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
just mylar tape?

Thanks in advance ...


Kamikuza - 16-4-2009 at 06:26 PM

I got some stuff called Tear Aid - I put holes in my Airush third time out :( which is why I bought a used one for $100 of a good mate :D

The problem is, looking at them again, the holes are on the knobby bits where the frame touches the cloth ... so if I drop it again, it'll go through the tape :(

I'm thinking of gluing some erm tougher fabric at those points and maybe stitching the edges - whaddya think?

ripsessionkites - 16-4-2009 at 07:39 PM

try KiteFix, the sell Repair Dacron

some pics would help too. =)

Kamikuza - 16-4-2009 at 08:32 PM

kitefix.com? I'll check it out ...

ripsessionkites - 16-4-2009 at 10:39 PM

oops. sorry yes KITEFIX.COM

we dont have any Repair Dacron instock yet.

you can get them direct, if you're in a rush.

Kamikuza - 16-4-2009 at 11:06 PM

We? That your store? Will be sure to support :) dacron come in a see-thru version?
What kind of glue is the glufix?

ripsessionkites - 17-4-2009 at 01:31 AM

KITEFIX is not my shop ...

nope, never seen Clear Dacron before, but it does come in green, red, blue, white and black

if you're trying to hide the holes, maybe Clear Supertape.
U2U me, and i can send you a small sample to try first. :thumbup: