Power Kite Forum

Insurance Photo Shoot

macboy - 16-4-2009 at 10:28 AM

Markite's NABX story kicked me into action and resulted in a good conversation with my insurance company (it's great, I'd recommend ING to ANYONE) about my sporadic sleepless nights thinking about all the toys I have stashed in the garage and they told me the best way to ensure you can sleep easy is to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Not just the toys either. She told me to open the utensil drawer and take a picture, my sock drawer, the hall closet, under the bed.....everything. I guess people don't really remember all the little stuff and don't realize that the cost of a few knives, forks, coffee cups, tea towels and Ivory soap 20 packs adds up fast. She said to take pictures and make a couple copies of the CDs, storing one off site, one in a safety deposit box and another somewhere safe.

We all hope we never have to resort to the pictures but after amassing so much ripstop from secondary sources without real receipts, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Or a thousand bucks.

Taking the whole quiver out for spring inspection and a photo session this weekend.

BeamerBob - 16-4-2009 at 10:40 AM

We need to do that for the whole house as well. I hadn't thought of making sure I had a pic of every kite though. Maybe I do already but all of them in one safe place could be priceless in the event of a disaster.

awindofchange - 16-4-2009 at 12:28 PM

An easier way is to just use a video camera and walk through the house, taking video of everything there. Don't forget to flip your TV's and electronics around and get a shot of the tags with model numbers and serial numbers.

Stick the video on a DVD and store it at your office or a relatives house or offline backup somewhere in case your house goes up in flames.

dylanj423 - 16-4-2009 at 12:56 PM

I did the video a while back... seems faster that way. Still working on getting all the kites shot.

Definitely something big on anyones to do list.