Power Kite Forum

sod farm friday

art_lessing - 22-4-2009 at 03:14 PM

I am flying at the sod farm in Davis on friday...I think it will be a fun day....I will be at the runway side...at noon..plus..I found a new field here in Davis....more in the locations section

Dagon - 22-4-2009 at 09:05 PM

I may see you there around 5pm

DAKITEZ - 23-4-2009 at 07:36 PM

I'm going to try and make it around 3ish. Are you guys still planning to go?

flexiblade - 23-4-2009 at 07:48 PM

I'll see if I can sneak out of work early. Was thinking about going to White Lake but not in the mood for a long drive. Looks like its going to be a rager - how are the conditions of the fields out there? Dagon you should bring out the guerillas - perfect time to tune them. Same for you Nate, that is if you can make it.

art_lessing - 23-4-2009 at 09:12 PM

I want to go definitely......the wind today was Steady Betty: Strong, busty not gusty; she wasn't angry though..she seemed pretty happy..cool to.......sorry I was having a moment....

I'll be there around 1:30 -2 ish


Dagon - 24-4-2009 at 08:31 AM

I just traded the 18m guerilla, but I can work on the 13m. I am thinking of getting into the water.

DAKITEZ - 24-4-2009 at 08:34 AM

I want to try and get in the water this summer also. Maybe we can go drown together :lol:

I have rain here right now .... is Davis dry?

flexiblade - 25-4-2009 at 12:22 AM

Just wanted to say thanks for showing up - and to Dan for showing us the crazy "hay field". Man my kidneys are going to need some fine tuning - but it was a great time - haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks again Dino and Adrian - I'll get you guys back next time for dinner - that PB & E burger was great.

Sthrasher38 - 25-4-2009 at 09:21 AM

Dam, Sorry I missesd all that. I have been working in Visaila blowing wood chips in parks. Did I say parks? Yes. I alway's have a kite with me and try to fly at lunch. Lots of great parks there. No buggy time in yet But, There is a good gravel runway about 40ft wide and half mile long where we load chips. Just need a good n or s wind and it is on! Working hard.:sniff:

SCREWYFITS - 25-4-2009 at 10:26 AM

Starting May after the first weekend I'll have Thur-Sun off so I hope to be invited and make some of these get-2-gethers... I'll bring the Nor-Cal Kiters flag;)...
Good to see everyone have'n a good time...

Sthrasher38 - 25-4-2009 at 03:35 PM

Screwy, I need another nor-cal kiters sticker. I put it on my car now I need one for the other side. Thanks. The only day I would have for a get together is sun.

AD72 - 28-4-2009 at 02:15 PM

That was a blast! Thanks Dan for finding the location, Dino for the burger and Doug for the compliment on the improvement of my buggy skills. It was fun piloting around those alfalfa bales and running over the lumpy-bumpy ground. :thumbup:Video.

Dagon - 28-4-2009 at 02:33 PM

was anyone using big foots out there? I would imagine those work nice for the alfalfa.

AD72 - 28-4-2009 at 02:52 PM

Dino commented on bringing his bigfoot next time.
The wide tires on my buggy worked well.