Power Kite Forum

any Miami, Florida flyers out there?

DonaldLL - 27-4-2009 at 09:28 AM

Hello... I am new to the forum and looking for some good advice. Probably the best advice so far was to reach out to other flyers in my area. If you're in the Miami area and are willing to inform the "uninformed" please let me know. Perhaps one day I can watch, listen, and learn.

As a South Florida flyer... how do you describe the wind here? My partner is a fit 135lb female with "attitude" but no experience other than 2 line recreational kites (I am 185lbs same experience) Would I go with the 2m or 3m Beamer for our first kite considering her weight is 50lbs less? I assume for me the 3m would do fine but for a first purchase in Miami winds would I go 2m or 3m taking her into consideration. And I know other kites will follow but I am talking about the 1st kite to be used for static flight


ragden - 27-4-2009 at 09:52 AM

Are you two planning on sharing the same kite? If you are looking to purchase ONE kite to learn with for the both of you, error on the side of caution and get the 2m. You can always get something larger when you are more comfortable, but it would be a shame to get something that over does it for you. :)

DonaldLL - 27-4-2009 at 10:51 AM

ragden.... yes my thinking is to buy only 1 kite at first. So to cater to the smaller person would be as you say erring on the side of caution. You think a Beamer 3m is too much for a 135 lb beginner? We both have 2 line experience and can move the kite around the window but then again the kite that we currently have is a 31"x 58" 2 line recreational beginner stunt kite. It's not like it's goning to physically move me or drag her across the ground like a 3m Beamer might. I just don't know how powerful a 3m kite is. On the other hand we would not go out on a 20mph day for the inaugural flight either. I was thimking that I might buy a 2.2 Symphony and the 3m Beamer. So a one-two combination may be the way to go or just go with the 2m Beamer. I think the 3m Beamer would be OK for me I am just worried that it's too much for her.

NHT Kitesurfer - 28-4-2009 at 05:40 PM

see if you can find the relaunch able two meter sensai I believe it is called