My Beamer 5.0 has just arrived from Ebay. All perfect, just checking that I don't try and fly it upside down ...
The kite has air vents/pockets one end. This end has more strings attached to it than the other, so I am assuming this is the top? I.e. vents and lots
of strings at top?
All of the strings clump together into little bundles, then these bundles clump together into 4 larger clumps made from a slightly larger string.
I'm assuming these are the four mounting points.
I have two handles, one with a red rope, one with a green rope. Port and starboard - left and right? Left is red I assume.
The handles are bent, one side has a rupper coating all the way to the end, the other has an aluminimum tip. As the brakes are supposed to be at the
bottom, so usually face towards the kite (not on), you would hold the top, , I.e. the rubber bits, so am I right in thinking that the aluminiumum ends
are for the bottom of the kite, and the other end for the top?
This leaves another question. The string at what I think is the top of the handles is just a string, the but the string at what I think is the bottom
has a loop on one side. Is this where I attatch my brake wrist attachment thingys?
Nearly there. Just the strings to go.
I have two sets of strings, thick and thin. As the top of the kite does most of the flying do these attach to the top. This leaves then thin ones for
the bottom brakes.
The strings have bigger string at each end. One side is red and heavy duty, the other is black and lighter duty. The lighter ones attach to the kite
and the strong ones to the handle. Yep?
If so - and I'm right, please let me know so I can go flying :singing:Isilduir - 28-1-2005 at 02:51 AM
Sorry that I'm not going to be any help to you on the advice front. Still looking to buy buy first kite this week. Haven't managed to find
quite the right kite yet on ebay.
I'm keen to hear what your experience is like on your first trip out. As that will be me in a few days hopefully. Hope it goes well.
Look forward to your next topic. Good luck !
whiffin - 28-1-2005 at 03:09 AM
I got my Beamer 5, with kite killers, mint condition for £116 inclusive
Unfortunately it's a present so I can't use it will my birthday - a week Wednesday
SO UNFAIR!kchunks - 28-1-2005 at 07:54 AM
whiffin, sounds like you have it. However, I am not familiar with the beamer lines but I assume that the thick line leader attaches to the handle and
the thin to the bridle attachments on the kite. You might want to call a local shop, email HQ or get on their forum (now working) and ask there just
to be sure.krumly - 28-1-2005 at 10:17 PM
whiffin -
Vents and typically three lines per rib are at the front/leading edge. Single line per rib at the trailing edge. Lighter pair of lines are for the
trailing edge/brakes, heavier pair for the leading edge. thin sleeves at each end of a line get a larkshead around the stop knot at each bridal end.
thicker sleeves get a larkshead around the stop knot at the handle tails.
Generally, red on the left, green on the right for handles (same as line layout for sailing). Soft grip is up, with your hands near the top. The
loops on the bottom of the handles are for staking the handles when you need to go out to the kite - leaves it depowered/braked on the ground.whiffin - 30-1-2005 at 07:02 AM
leaves it depowered/braked on the ground.
Cheers for your help guysbondcw - 1-2-2005 at 07:10 AM
Started with a 3.6 Beamer and now fly someone else's 5.0 when its not too windy (but too windy for a girl to fly it) and they fly pretty much the
Think you've got it all about sorted - red left, green right, top bridle attachment near the vents, with loads of lines attached to the top of the
handles with the thicker lines, thinned lines attahce to the others.
As for the Kite killers they need to go round the brake lines on the other side of the handles to your wrists so when you let go the kite goes down
(without ending up in a tree half a mile away:wow:
There are usually loads of people, generally with boards at Wite Horse Hill which is the nearest place that I know to you that is used by regular
kiters, there will be people willin got help you there.chriswilson - 8-2-2005 at 05:30 AM
I've just bought a Beamer 5.0 as well :karate:so look forward to sharing beginners' experiences.:karate:
You say yours came without instructions - well you can download manuals from the HQ Website.