Power Kite Forum

Noob Wanting Lessons in TX?

urbantx - 1-5-2009 at 03:29 PM


-Relatively new to kiting. I've gotten good with my Beamer III 3M.
-Had some fun with my friends Beamer III 4M.
-Been getting really good with my Blade IV 4.9, doing jumps etc
-I've got a land board--but haven't had much opportunity to ride as I haven't made my way to a beach or large field yet.

I'm wanting to get into kitesurfing so I was going to see about getting lessons.

I was looking at making at trip to South Padre and getting lessons some there--but it looks like there are three shops.

1 - does anyone have any experience with any of the shops down there?

2 - what should I look for? how much better would a private lesson be from a group lesson? would a 3 day camp be beneficial? Does learning from the beach vs. from a boat matter?

Thanks in advance.

Chefmini - 2-5-2009 at 01:15 PM

Hey Urban, I am not familiar with the area but hear good things about. However I can give you some feedback on lessons since I just finished mine.
Beach or boat....depends on what kind of beach. If your on the flats and have plenty of room should not be a problem. If the beach is crowded, head out on a boat. Did the boat in Key west and it was awesome. No one around.
I had private lessons, feel you get more personalized instruction with no one else to get you distracted.
The 3 day camp could be a good way to go as long as you get rest...your going to be beat up after the first day.
Good Luck, you will never be the same again:tumble:

urbantx - 3-5-2009 at 12:03 PM

Thanks for the input Chef--I'll def. keep that in mind. I think I may go for the private lessons...

Taper123 - 3-5-2009 at 03:20 PM

The guys at the shop near the Texas City Levee are good to work with, and the levee offers waist deep water for a long ways in Galveston Bay.

Since you already have kite skills, a private lesson will have you body dragging and getting you up on the board in a short time. If you learn how to ride your ATB, then it's a really smooth transition to riding on the water. Main differnce is it hurts a heck of a lot more to wipe out on land.

urbantx - 3-5-2009 at 04:17 PM

Is that XLKites? That's the only shop I can find in the area--but it's up in Clear Lake Shores...

Their lessons are definately cheaper than the ones in SPI and I've got lodging connections...so that may be the way to go.

Thanks for the info!

Taper123 - 3-5-2009 at 04:19 PM

Yes... XL KItes is the one I was referring to. Heard rumors thte guy who runs the shop has even started to buggy.... Only been in there a few times, but a friendly, knowledgeable staff. They are the one's I would send local Houston area people to who wanted lessons.

centex_buggier - 3-5-2009 at 04:30 PM

Some of the local guys kite board at Lake Pfugerville on a regular basis.

If you are interested in land boarding close to home, I buggy at North East Metro Park in pflugerville and at Old Settler's Park in Round Rock.

Taper123 - 3-5-2009 at 04:36 PM

Centex_Bugggier is a very good kite flyer.

The guys at XL Kites also run a shop up near Dallas as well.

burritobandit - 3-5-2009 at 11:24 PM

AirPadreKiteboarding.com is at SPI and that's where I took my intro lesson ($300/3hrs). They were great and covered learning the wind window, rigging&launching a C-kite, self rescue, and ended with body dragging. If you have any questions, let me know.

XLKites.com is in Dallas, Clear Lake Shores, and South Padre Island. I've seen them give lessons at Texas City Levee and the South Flats on South Padre Island. They provide jetski support with their lessons. I've seen the instructor chase behind the student, telling them what to do. They end up way downwind but just ride back on the jetski. I think a 3hr lesson is $300 or $350.

SouthPadreIslandKiteboarding.com is at SPI and they seem like cool people. I've shopped there and sometimes just stop in to talk and stuff. I have seem them giving lessons at the North Flats but I haven't heard any feedback or opinions. I'm not sure about price..

SouthCoastKiteboarding.com is in Corpus Christi. I met the owner (Zack) today at Packery Channel and he is a really nice guy. They provide boat support. I think they charge $190 for 2hrs.

Prokitesurf.com is also in Corpus Christi. They give lessons at WildCat and it looks like they charge $255 for 3hrs. They don't offer boat support, I think.

DON'T get a group lesson. Another local did this recently and there was a lady that was in his group scared to death of the kite. They were supposed to bodydrag and he didn't get to because she took up all of the time. Get a one on one lesson, it's the best way.

You should also tell them you know how to fly power kites and that you know the wind window. This will cut out the land portion of your lesson and will get you on the water quicker. They will probably start by showing you the anatomy of a water kite, how to rig it up, and how to launch/fly it. After that, you'll probably hop in the water to start body dragging. After body dragging, you'll might work on water starts on a board and riding for a little bit. That should cover your intro lesson. You may or may not receive instruction on how to ride upwind. Riding upwind will probably take a few sessions (more than 2 lessons), I think.

Your intermediate lesson will cover showing you how to get up and ride, control your speed, stop, make transitions, and ride upwind.

Your advanced lesson would probaby cover jumps and whatever else.

As far as a 3day camp, I'm not sure how much that costs, but the only way you're gonna get good is by getting out there and practicing, so the more time you spend on the water, the better (and if you get 3 days worth of instruction even BETTER).

If you have any questions, let me know. If you want to come to Pflug when we're riding, let me know. If you need a spot to kitelandboard on, go try OSP. It's a good spot :thumbup:

Edit: If you've got a kite on a bar, start flying that one more often to get used to steering with a bar.

urbantx - 4-5-2009 at 09:28 PM

Thanks to everyone--this is more than I expected to get from my post! U2Us to be sent soon!