Power Kite Forum

Kite killers and big buggy wheels - a solution perhaps?

macboy - 1-5-2009 at 11:14 PM

Well, we finally sold the wife's old car so I have my garage back which means I am free to unhoist the buggy from it's winter resting place hung from the roof at will. I was thinking back on the buggy sessions of last summer and the thought of the odd time the killer got snagged by the rear wheels came to mind so here's what I'm going to try as a preventative measure.

You know how parachute lines are folded up in succession and secured with rubber bands? I'm going to try the same with the excess killer cord - wrapping it back on itself and securing them with rubber bands prior to flight. That way they stay nice and out of the way while at the same time being just as immediate in their deployment if need be.

That's it - my gem for the day (or maybe the rest of the year :lol:)

vwbrian - 2-5-2009 at 12:03 AM

I was having a simular problem with my kite killers also. I got some bungie line from REI and stretched it as far as I could and zip tied it every 5" to my outstreched kite killers. Once I let the bungie line retract it shortened the lengh to about 1/4 of the original lenght. This way if you do have to let the kite go you will not have to rerubberband it everytime.
Good luck with it.

heliboy50 - 2-5-2009 at 04:00 AM

vwbrian's idea doesn't sound bad, although I might use something other than zip ties. When ever I have a zip tie anywhere close to kite related stuff, they always snag and catch up on something. If you were to thread the killer bungee through the rubber band and then do the wrap back, you could probably keep track of one rubber band for while and not have to carry a bag of them with you to reset the thing every time- less stuff to lose. No biggie, but just a thought. I only use one KK on my left wrist that goes to a Y made of 500# q-power line. One side of the Y connects to each brake leader loop (big thank to bbrex for the set up help with this.) One killer, and one hand free in case of emergency.

acampbell - 2-5-2009 at 05:55 AM

It's amazing how those buggy wheels can reach out and grab stuff, isn't it? I lost a wind meter by letting the lanyard hang out of my pocket and flap around...

I would use Velcro tabs such as used on PL and other de-power bars for the leash- they will hold in place for normal flying but would rip away under modest load.

dylanj423 - 2-5-2009 at 09:31 PM

i thread the kite killers through the loops to stake the kite out. keeps them up and out of the way

arkay - 2-5-2009 at 10:01 PM

i generally just put a skip know or two into the kite killer lines. this keeps the chords neat and they'll deploy w/o a hitch!