Power Kite Forum

Rollerblades and kites - Bladerunner you there?

DonaldLL - 7-5-2009 at 12:36 PM

I am curious about this... I know I know I said I was sticking to static but curiousity got me here in the first place...

Does anyone (hint Bladerunner) have experience with these rollerblades like how big are the wheels, how do the work on beach or grass, do the bearings really suffer because of the grit and sand?

lad - 7-5-2009 at 01:03 PM

Its all here!

PHREERIDER - 7-5-2009 at 01:09 PM

DL i 've been on coyotes (6" wheels) . about 25hours really hadn't had any trouble but when they get wet with salt it won't be long. like the ATB about 100hours with inadvertent water here and there . really can't bring them back ... fresh set about three times a year with random failure here and there. the skates have few moving parts so they are ahead of the game with the design. if it's dry they last if it's wet it's over quick.

suffrage with water the rest not too bad

ceramic.... would nt even consider it

tires that's the grind spot

hard pack sand runs like silk

a pasture would be full of surprises but a playing field/maintained area very nice

weight is the biggest issue for inversions it's a grunt to get them to swing up, but the rotations are effortless

Bladerunner - 7-5-2009 at 01:52 PM

It is a lot less natural with roller skate. It is harder to lean against the power with that 4 wheel set-up.

I started with regular rollerblades , a small kite, pads and a big parking lot.

The Coyote Rollerblades are great ! They run on sod real well. Very much like snow kiting with snow skis. They also run on hardpack beaches .

Coyotes can be had pretty cheap on Ebay but large sizes are rare. They are extremely well made . I'm still on my 1st pair and have been very hard on them. If they sold retail today they would be about $700 skates ?

Kamikuza - 7-5-2009 at 06:29 PM

Holy crap you can replace the skates three times a year? I'm still looking for size 13's :(
I'm using my inline-hockey skates in whatever carparks I can find ... good for light wind days cos they don't need much to get rolling. In fact, I was flying in around than 4mph (~2m/s) on my Rebble and doing ok ...

DonaldLL - 7-5-2009 at 07:30 PM

OK... thanks for the replies. I think my fantasy about this is overwith. Ever heard of 'shrinkage factor'?

macboy - 7-5-2009 at 11:59 PM

Nah, but it's not really. It'll take a bit to get the hang of it but like I said, once you transform the aggression of the kite into propulsion you'll find this zen that must be experienced.

When you're ready of course. When you're ready. I wrote off all thoughts of a buggy in my life thinking it was impractical for the kiting locations available to me but after one session in RevPaul's bug flitting about in the confines of an endzone I was convinced it wasn't impractical at all.

Yes, I blame you Paul ; )

Kamikuza - 8-5-2009 at 12:09 AM

Get some knee and elbow gaurds and it's kickass fun!
I can skate better than board so I can concentrate on getting the most of the kite or kitewing ... and a moderate sized carpark is perfect!

... hmm buggy ... :roll:

Bladerunner - 8-5-2009 at 08:23 AM

You've got it Kamikuza!

The parking lot stuff can be done in extreme low wind. Too low to kite surf for sure. Kitewing in the higher wind or kitesurf.

The idea is to get the most out of all winds .

Kamikuza - 9-5-2009 at 06:31 AM

So what you're saying is, I need more kites :lol: I'm looking at that Twister 7.7 ad thinking ... hmm ...

ikemiester - 9-5-2009 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Holy crap you can replace the skates three times a year? I'm still looking for size 13's :(

not skates, I think he means bearings

acampbell - 10-5-2009 at 06:14 AM

Friday at JIBE I was behind Chad (PHREERIDER) on a long 3-mile run on the beach, me in my bug and him on the skates. It was slightly upwind and we were doing 20-30 mph. He had his huge Venom and was skating along doing side strokes and cross-overs like it was a run in the park. The incongruity of the huge kite, the fast speed and his casual skating style was poetic. I sooo wish I had the camera.

Kamikuza - 10-5-2009 at 06:54 AM

Oh :blush: :D of course!

Bladerunner - 10-5-2009 at 08:32 AM

I thought I TOLD YOU to bring a Camera !

I was counting on you being impressed by Chad's new relationship with Coyotes.

It is His abilaty to pull off the Big Air shots that I think is cool. I don't know of many people getting big jumps like that on Blades ! :tumble:

PHREERIDER - 11-5-2009 at 04:50 AM

three times a year ATB bearings

thanks ANGUS Friday was a fun day plenty of room plenty of wind

USA_Eli_A - 11-5-2009 at 08:18 AM

you should be able to find some GATE Skates cheap online :eureka: