nubb1337 - 11-5-2009 at 06:01 PM
Hey all
Being a dedicated agressive skater I am naturally attracted to anything with the word "skate" or "blade" in it so I was wondering if off-road skating
like aggressive skating.
To give you an idea of what aggressive skating is watch this vid (it's me skating)
Thanks, Gabriel
PHREERIDER - 11-5-2009 at 07:41 PM
ramp/vert/street skating has similarities with downhill skating. but off road (down hill) skating is more like snow skiing and in-line speed.
they are all quite similiar kite skating def more like snow.
the sustain speed element is worth noting, frame dimensions factor in as speeds get higher, like 40-50mph, like in speed skating in downhill pack
the platform of most offroad gear is high 6 " (v. vert. setup 55mm) and frame length can be 14"-30" compared to nimble vert. skates off road stuff big
and clumsy but as the speed and power increases and axis and swing weight of rotation it improves and smoothes out . and the weight of the gear is
heavy. inversions move more toward ski aerial type stuff where velocity and height are matched to platfrom tolerances. IE vert skates at 40mph is
like squirrels on crack out of contol in a flash because the platform is small and short .
since the platform is bigger the moves and rotaions and speeds are bigger. and of course the accelerated mass thing can have a nasty ending.
Kamikuza - 11-5-2009 at 08:34 PM
I'm an ex-aggro skater too as my Maj12's are in NZ, probably buried under rust and dirt
... I play inline hockey here for fun so brought my skates with me, and use them with the kites and 'wing too ![:)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
Bladerunner - 12-5-2009 at 09:13 AM
Those skills will set you up real well for kite blading.
Like Phree'. says the blades are much larger and heavier. They feel a LOT more like short skis and heavy ski boots when on. Slightly clumsey until
you get behind the power kite then everything smooths out!
If you have a small power kite and helmet try it with them .
nubb1337 - 12-5-2009 at 09:33 AM
Well I'm pretty good at skiing (I can go down a double black diamond) so I'm thinking that it will be easy to get the hang of it?
Bladerunner - 12-5-2009 at 04:22 PM
nubb1337 - 12-5-2009 at 05:22 PM
So yes? hahahahah